Citations of In-house Publications
Beaudoin, A. B. (1991) Alberta Radiocarbon Dates 1988-1989. In Archaeology in Alberta, 1988
and 1989, edited by M. Magne, pp. 239-253. Archaeological Survey, Provincial Museum of
Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 33. Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta.
- Jass, Christopher N., and Alwynne B. Beaudoin (2014) Radiocarbon dates of late Quaternary
megafauna and botanical remains from central Alberta, Canada. Radiocarbon 56(3):
- Arnold, T. G. (2002) Radiocarbon dates from the Ice-free Corridor. Radiocarbon
- Allan, Timothy E. and Sheila Macdonald (2021) Radiocarbon dates in Alberta's northern forests and
potential for inferring changes in ancient Indigenous populations. In: Archaeology in Western Canada's
Boreal Forest, 2021, edited by D. A. Bereziuk, pp. 153-170. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Munyikwa, Kennedy, R. Lindemann, R. Wondrasek, T. C. Kinnaird and D. C. W. Sanderson (2019)
Temporal constraints for Holocene geomorphic evolution at an archaeologcal locality near Hardisty.
east-central Alberta: Hunter-gatherer interactions with the landscape on the northern plains.
Canadian Journal of Archaeology 43: 40-73.
- Morlan, Richard E. (2012) Cody complex geochronology In: Minds Across the Forty-Ninth:
Richard G. Forbis: Plains Archaeologist and Prehistorian, edited by Leslie B. Davis,
Brian O. K. Reeves and Joanne L. Braaten, pp. 266-302. Occasional Papers of the
Archaeological Society of Alberta Number 12. Archaeological Society of Alberta, Calgary,
- Arnold, Thomas G. (2006) The Ice-Free Corridor: Biogeographical Highway or Environmental
Cul-de-Sac. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser
University, Burnaby, British Columbia. x + 264 pp.
- Harington, C. R., editor (2003) Annotated Bibliography of Quaternary Vertebrates of
Northern North America, with Radiocarbon Dates. University of Toronto Press in
collaboration with the Canadian Museum of Nature, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. x + 539
- Dyck, Ian, and Richard E. Morlan (2001) Hunting and Gathering Tradition: Canadian Plains.
In: Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 13, Part 1 of 2. Plains, edited by
Raymond J. DeMallie, pp. 115-130. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
- Morlan, Richard (1999) Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database: Establishing
Conventional Ages. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 23(1/2):3-10.
- Morlan, Richard E. (1993) A Compilation and Evaluation of Radiocarbon Dates in Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan Archaeology: The Journal of the Saskatchewan Archaeological Society 13:3-84.
Beaudoin, A. B. (1989) Annotated Bibliography: Late Quaternary Studies in Alberta's Western
Corridor 1950-1988. Archaeological Survey of Alberta Manuscript Series No. 15, xvii + 362
pages. Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Dixon, E. James (2013) Late Pleistocene colonization of North America from Northeast Asia:
New insights from large-scale paleogeographic reconstructions. Quaternary
International 285: 57-67.
- MacDonald, Graham A. (2009) The Beaver Hills Country: A History of Land and Life.
Athabasca University Press, Athabasca, Alberta. x + 253 pages.
- Beaudoin, A. B., M. Wright and B. Ronaghan (1996) Late Quaternary Landscape History and
Archaeology in the "Ice-Free Corridor": Some Recent Results from Alberta.
Quaternary International 32: 113-126.
- Easton N. A. (1992) Mal-De-Mer Above Terra-Incognita, Or, What Ails The Coastal
Migration Theory. Arctic Anthropology 29(2): 28-42.
- Dixon, E. James (2015) Chapter 12: Late Pleistocene Colonization of North America from
Northeast Asia: New Insights from Large-Scale Paleogeographic Reconstructions. In:
Mobility and Ancient Society in Asia and the Americas, edited by M. D. Frachetti and
R. N. Spengler III, pp. 169-184. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
- Dyck, Ian (2001) The Last Quarter Century in Canadian Plains Archaeology. Prairie
Forum 26(2): 143-168.
- Wood, Barry Paul (2000) A Multi-Regional Analysis of Heritage Management: An Approach to
Building New Partnerships. M.E.D. thesis. Faculty of Environmental Design, University of
Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. xv + 339 pages.
- Plumet, Patrick (1999) Troisième Partie: La préhistoire de l'Amérique
du Nord et de l'Arctique. In: La Préhistoire, Marcel Otte avec les
contributions de Denis Vialou et Patrick Plumet, pp. 291-343. De Boeck Université,
Paris et Buxelles. 369 pages.
- Wilson, M. C., and J. A. Burns (1999) Searching for the earliest Canadians:
wide corridors, narrow doorways, small windows. In: R. Bonnichsen and K. L. Turnmire (eds.)
Ice Age People of North America: Environments, Origins and Adaptations, pp. 213-248.
Oregon State University Press and Center for the Study of the First Americans, Corvallis,
Oregon, USA.
- Cinq-Mars, J., and R. E. Morlan (1999) Bluefish Caves and Old Crow Basin: A New Rapport. In:
R. Bonnichsen and K. L. Turnmire (eds.) Ice Age People of North America: Environments,
Origins and Adaptations, pp. 200-212. Oregon State University Press and Center for the
Study of the First Americans, Corvallis, Oregon, USA.
- Luckman, Brian H. (editor) (1993) International Association of Geomorphology, Field Trip
A2: Holocene Sediment Budgets and Environmental Change in Alpine Environments, August
12-23rd 1993. Guidebook for Rocky Mountain Section (Days 6-10). 68 pages +
- Beaudoin, A. B. (1993) A Compendium and Evaluation of Postglacial Pollen Records in Alberta.
Canadian Journal of Archaeology 17: 92-112.
- Mandryk, C. S. (1992) Paleoecology as Contextual Archaeology: Human Viability of the Late
Quaternary Ice-free Corridor, Alberta, Canada. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation.
Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 371
- Magne, Martin P. R., and John W. Ives (1991) The First Albertans Project: 1988 and 1989
Research. In: Archaeology in Alberta 1988 and 1989, edited by Martin Magne, pp.
101-112. Archaeological Survey of Alberta Occasional Paper No. 33. Archaeological Survey of
Alberta, Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta.
- Beaudoin, Alwynne B. (1990) Palaeoenvironmental Studies in Western and Southern Alberta 1988-1989.
In: Climatic Fluctuations and Man 5, edited by C. R. Harington, pp. 104-105, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada.
- Levson, V. M., B. H. Luckman and A. B. Beaudoin (1989) Late Glacial and Post-Glacial
Processes Environments in Montane and Adjacent Areas. CANQUA 1989 Conference, Field
Excursion Guide, August 28th-30th 1989, Edmonton-Jasper-Abraham Lake-Edmonton, 124
Beaudoin, A. B. (1988) Alberta Radiocarbon Dates 1986-1987. In Archaeology in Alberta,
1987, compiled by M. Magne, pp. 159-167. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Occasional Paper
No. 32. Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Jass, Christopher N., and Alwynne B. Beaudoin (2014) Radiocarbon dates of late Quaternary
megafauna and botanical remains from central Alberta, Canada. Radiocarbon
- Munyikwa, Kennedy, R. Lindemann, R. Wondrasek, T. C. Kinnaird and D. C. W. Sanderson (2019)
Temporal constraints for Holocene geomorphic evolution at an archaeologcal locality near Hardisty.
east-central Alberta: Hunter-gatherer interactions with the landscape on the northern plains.
Canadian Journal of Archaeology 43: 40-73.
- Benders, Quinn (2010) Agate Basin Archaeology in Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada.
Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada. 169 pages.
- Harington, C. R., editor (2003) Annotated Bibliography of Quaternary Vertebrates of
Northern North America, with Radiocarbon Dates. University of Toronto Press in
collaboration with the Canadian Museum of Nature, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. x + 539
- Gillespie, J. D (2002) Archaeological and Geological Evidence for the First Peopling of
Alberta. Unpublished MA dissertation, Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta. xi + 204 pages.
- Morlan, Richard (1999) Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database: Establishing
Conventional Ages. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 23(1/2):3-10.
- Morlan, Richard E. 1993. A Compilation and Evaluation of Radiocarbon Dates in Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan Archaeology: The Journal of the Saskatchewan Archaeological Society 13: 3-84.
- Beaudoin, A. B. (1991) Alberta Radiocarbon Dates 1988-1989. In: Archaeology in Alberta,
1988 and 1989, edited by M. Magne, pp. 239-253. Archaeological Survey, Provincial Museum
of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 33. Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton,
Beaudoin, A. B. (1987) Alberta Radiocarbon Dates 1982-1986. In: Archaeology in Alberta,
1986, compiled by M. Magne, pp. 197-213. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Occasional Paper
No. 31. Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta.
- Oetelaar, Gerald A. and Alwynne B. Beaudoin (2016) Evidence of cultural responses to the
impact of the Mazama ash fall from deeply stratified archaeological sites in southern
Alberta, Canada. Quaternary International 394:17-26.
- Peck, Trevor R. (2011) Light from Ancient Campfires: Archaeological Evidence for Native
Lifeways on the Northern Plains. AU Press, Athabasca University, Edmonton, Alberta. xvi
+ 508 pages.
- Allan, Timothy E. and Sheila Macdonald (2021) Radiocarbon dates in Alberta's northern forests and
potential for inferring changes in ancient Indigenous populations. In: Archaeology in Western Canada's
Boreal Forest, 2021, edited by D. A. Bereziuk, pp. 153-170, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Poletto, Christina L. (2019) Postglacial Human and Environmental Landscapes of Northeastern
Alberta: An analysis of a late Holocene sediment record from Sharkbite Lake, Alberta. M.A.,
Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. viii + 234 pages.
- Arnold, Thomas G. (2006) The Ice-Free Corridor: Biogeographical Highway or Environmental
Cul-de-Sac. Unpublished PhD dissertation. Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser
University, Burnaby, British Columbia. x + 264 pages.
- Harington, C. R., editor (2003) Annotated Bibliography of Quaternary Vertebrates of
Northern North America, with Radiocarbon Dates. University of Toronto Press in
collaboration with the Canadian Museum of Nature, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. x + 539 pages.
- Dyck, Ian (2001) The Last Quarter Century in Canadian Plains Archaeology. Prairie
Forum 26(2):143-168.
- Rennie, Patrick J. (1994) The McKean Complex: An Analysis of Six Middle Prehistoric
Period Sites in the Northwestern Plains. M.A. dissertation. Department of Anthropology,
University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, USA. xii + 184 pages.
- Morlan, Richard E. (1993) A Compilation and Evaluation of Radiocarbon Dates in Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan Archaeology: The Journal of the Saskatchewan Archaeological Society 13: 3-84.
- Wilson, M. C. (1993) Radiocarbon dating in the ice-free corridor: problems and implications.
In: The Palliser Triangle in Time and space, edited by R. W. Barendregt, M. C. Wilson
and F. J. Jankunis, pp. 154-206. The University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta,
- Walker, E. G. (1992) The Gowen Sites: Cultural Responses to Climatic Warming on the
Northern Plains. Archaeological Survey of Canada Mercury Series Paper 145. Canadian
Museum of Civilization, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. xii + 208 pp.
- Beaudoin, A. B. (1988) Alberta Radiocarbon Dates 1986-1987. In: Archaeology in Alberta,
1987, compiled by M. Magne, pp. 159-167. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Occasional
Paper No. 32. Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta.
Beaudoin, A. B. (1987) Collection and Submission of Samples for Radiocarbon Dating. In:
Archaeology in Alberta, 1986, compiled by M. Magne, pp. 188-196. Archaeological Survey of
Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 31. Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta,
- Poletto, Christina L. (2019) Postglacial Human and Environmental Landscapes of Northeastern
Alberta: An analysis of a late Holocene sediment record from Sharkbite Lake, Alberta. M.A.,
Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. viii + 234 pages.
- Harington, C. R., editor (2003) Annotated Bibliography of Quaternary Vertebrates of
Northern North America, with Radiocarbon Dates. University of Toronto Press in
collaboration with the Canadian Museum of Nature, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. x + 539 pages
- Dyck, Ian (2001) The Last Quarter Century in Canadian Plains Archaeology. Prairie
Forum 26(2): 143-168.
Beaudoin, A. B., and F. D. Reintjes (1994) Late Quaternary Studies in Beringia and Beyond,
1950-1992: An Annotated Bibliography. Archaeological Survey, Provincial Museum of Alberta,
Occasional Paper No. 35. Alberta Community Development, Edmonton, Alberta. viii + 386 pages.
- Crowell, A. L. (1996) Late Quaternary studies in Beringia and beyond, 1950-1993:
An annotated bibliography - Beaudoin, AB, Reintjes, FD (Book Review) Arctic
Anthropology 33(2):137-139.
- Wood, Barry Paul (2000) A Multi-Regional Analysis of Heritage Management: An Approach to
Building New Partnerships. M.E.D. thesis. Faculty of Environmental Design, University of
Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. xv + 339 pages.
- Knudson, Ruthann (1999) Using the Past to Shape National Park Service Policy for Wild Life.
The George Wright Forum 16(3): 40-51.
- Plumet, Patrick, and Vladimir Pitul'ko (1998) Book Review: American Beginnings: The
Prehistory and Palaeocology of Beringia by Frederick Hadleigh West. Arctic
Anthropology 35(2):227-232.
- Anderson, Patricia M. (1996) Book Review: Late Quaternary Studies in Beringia and Beyond,
1950-1993: An Annotated Bibliography by A. B. Beaudoin and F. D. Reintjes. Journal of
Paleolimnology 15:294-295
- Wright, J. V. (1995) A History of the Native People of Canada: Volume I (10,000 - 1,000
B.C.). Archaeological Survey of Canada, Mercury Series Paper 152. Canadian Museum of
Civilization, Hull, Quebec, Canada. xxiv + 564 pp.
Bolton, Matthew S. and Alwynne B. Beaudoin (2017) Recognizing macrofossils: A pictorial guide to
some common seeds and shells from alluvial deposits in southern Alberta. In: After the flood:
Investigations of impacts to archaeological resources from the 2013 flood in southern
Alberta, edited by T. R. Peck, pp. 156-168. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada.
- Cieplok, A., R. Anderson, M. Gawlak, T. Kaluski and A. Spyra (2022) Morphological diversification
of alien and native aquatic snails of the genus Physa and Aplexa (Gastropoda: Physidae) of Western
and Central European range. Zootaxa 5168(2):101-118.
- Unfreed, Wendy J. and Sheila Macdonald (2017) A river of knowledge: Observations and lessons
about archaeological resources from the Southern Alberta Flood Investigation Program. In:
After the flood: Investigations of impacts to archaeological resources from the 2013
flood in southern Alberta, edited by T. R. Peck, pp. 186-202. Archaeological Survey of
Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Bolton, Matthew S. and Alwynne B. Beaudoin (2016) Reconstructing the Highwood River's Holocene palaeoecology:
Assessment of organic-rich alluvial samples collected following the 2013 flood event. In: Back on the horse:
Recent developments in archaeological and palaeontological research in Alberta, edited by R. Woywitka,
pp. 161-168. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Bolton, Matthew S. and Alwynne B. Beaudoin (2017) Climate reconstructions based on postglacial macrofossil
assemblages from four river systems in southwestern Alberta. Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne
des ressources hydriques 42(3): 289-305.
Jensen, Britta J. L., and Alwynne B. Beaudoin (2016) Geochemical characterization of tephra deposits
at archaeological and palaeoenvironmental sites across south-central Alberta and southwest Saskatchewan.
In: Back on the horse: Recent developments in archaeological and palaeontological research in Alberta,
edited by Robin Woywitka, pp. 154-160. Archaeological Survey of Alberta Occasional Paper No. 36.
Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Morgan, L.A., W.C.P. Shanks, K.L. Pierce, N. Iverson, C.M. Schiller, S.R. Brown, P. Zahajska, R. Cartier,
R.W. Cash, J.L. Best, C. Whitlock, S. Fritz, W. Benzel, H. Lowers, D.A. Lovalvo and J.M. Licciardi (2022)
The dynamic floor of Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, USA: The last 14 k.y. of hydrothermal explosions, venting,
doming, and faulting. GSA Bulletin 135(3-4): 547-574.
- Schiller, C. M., C. Whitlock, K. L. Elder, N. A. Iverson and M. B. Abbott (2021) Erroneously Old Radiocarbon
Ages from Terrestrial Pollen Concentrates in Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, USA. Radiocarbon 63(1): 321-342.
- Jensen, Britta J. L., Alwynne B. Beaudoin, Michael A. Clynne, Jordan Harvey and James W. Vallance (2019)
A re-examination of the three most prominent Holocene tephra deposits in western Canada: Bridge River,
Mount St. Helens Yn and Mazama. Quaternary International 500: 83-95.
- Davies, Lauren J., Peter Appleby, Britta J. L. Jensen, Gabriel Magnan, Gillian Mullan-Boudreau,
Tommy Noernberg, Bob Shannon, William Shotyk, Simon van Bellen, Claudio Zaccone and Duane G. Froese (2018)
High-resolution age modelling of peat bogs from northern Alberta, Canada, using pre- and post-bomb
14C, 210Pb and historical cryptotephra. Quaternary Geochronology 47: 138-162.
- Allan, Timothy E. and Sheila Macdonald (2021) Radiocarbon dates in Alberta's northern forests and
potential for inferring changes in ancient Indigenous populations. In: Archaeology in Western Canada's
Boreal Forest, 2021, edited by D. A. Bereziuk, pp. 153-170. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Harvey, Jordan R. (2021) Cryptotephra deposition and preservation in four sub-Arctic lakes in Yukon,
Canada. M.Sc., Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
viii + 349 pages.
- Warwick, R. K., G. Williams-Jones, J. Witter and M. C. Kelman (2019) Comprehensive volcanic-hazard
map for Mount Meager volcano, southwestern British Columbia (part of NTS 092J). In: Geoscience BC
Summary of Activities 2018: Energy and Water, Geoscience BC, Report 2019-2, pp. 85-94.
- Davies, Lauren J. (2018) The development of a Holocene cryptotephra framework in northwestern North America.
Ph.D., Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
xviii + 235 pages.
- Jensen, Britta (2018) Volcanoes and Alberta. RETROactive: Exploring Alberta's Past (Blog).
Heritage Division, Alberta Culture and Tourism, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Ronaghan, B. M., and A. B. Beaudoin (1988) An Archaeological Survey in the Upper North
Saskatchewan River Valley. In Archaeology in Alberta, 1987, compiled by M. Magne, pp.
25-45. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 32. Alberta Culture and
Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Wolfe, S. A. and O. B. Lian (2021) Timing, rates and geomorphic controls on Holocene loess and
aeolian sand deposition using multiple chronometric methods, southeastern Cordillera, Alberta,
Canada. Aeolian Research 50: 16.
- Jensen, Britta J. L., Alwynne B. Beaudoin, Michael A. Clynne, Jordan Harvey and James W. Vallance
(2019) A re-examination of the three most prominent Holocene tephra deposits in western Canada:
Bridge River, Mount St. Helens Yn and Mazama. Quaternary International 500: 83-95.
- Jass, Christopher N., and Alwynne B Beaudoin (2014) Radiocarbon dates of late Quaternary
megafauna and botanical remains from central Alberta, Canada. Radiocarbon 56(3):
- Beaudoin, Alwynne B., Milt Wright and Brian Ronaghan 1996. Late Quaternary Landscape History
and Archaeology in the 'Ice-Free Corridor': Some Recent Results from Alberta. Quaternary
International 32: 113-126.
- Schepens, Gabirel (2022) Ecological Legacies of Stoney Nakoda Stewardship in a Montane Grassland:
A Century of Vegetation Change in Egnuck Wida and the Kootenay Plains Ecological Reserve. M.Sc.,
School of Environmental Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
viii + 67 pages.
- Tyssen, Rebecca Kathryn (2020) Identifying barriers to environmentally sustainable tourism:
Exploratory findings from the Bighorn Backcountry. M.A., Geography Department, University of
Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. vi + 111 pages.
- Landals, Alison J. (2013) The Lake Minnewanka Site: Patterns in Late Pleistocene Use of
the Alberta Rocky Mountains. Occasional Papers of the Archaeological Society of Alberta
Number 13. xv + 244 pages. Revised and edited version of 2008 Ph.D. dissertation. Published by
Archaeological Society of Alberta, Calgary, Alberta.
- Landals, Alison J. (2008) The Lake Minnewanka Site: Patterns in Late Pleistocene Use of
the Alberta Rocky Mountains. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Archaeology,
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. xv + 382 pages.
- Rutter, N. W., R. C. Paulen and V. M. Levson (2005) Cold as Ice: A Trip to the Athabasca
Glacier. Field Trip 3, 7 August 2005, Earth System Processes 2, Calgary Alberta. Earth
System Processes 2 Organizing Committee and Alberta Geological Survey/Alberta Energy and
Utilities Board. 46 pages.
- Alberta Natural Heritage Information Centre (2002) Guidelines for natural heritage
inventories In parks and protected areas. Parks and Protected Areas Division, Alberta
Community Development, Edmonton, Alberta. iv + 20 pp. + Appendices.
- Sandgathe, Dennis M. (1998) The Detection of Unmodified Flake Tools in Archaeological
Assemblages in the Eastern Slopes, Alberta. Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of
Anthropology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. 214 pages.
- Ronaghan, Brian (1993) The James Pass Project: Early Holocene occupation in the Front Ranges
of the Rocky Mountains. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 17:85-91.
- Newton, Barry (1991) Bow Corridor Project: Summary of the 1988-1989 Research. In:
Archaeology in Alberta 1988 and 1989, edited by Martin Magne. Archaeological Survey
of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 33 pp. 111-125. Provincial Museum of Alberta, Alberta
Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Magne, Martin P. R., and John W. Ives (1991) The First Albertans Project: 1988 and 1989
Research. In: Archaeology in Alberta 1988 and 1989, edited by Martin Magne, pp.
101-112. Archaeological Survey of Alberta Occasional Paper No. 33. Archaeological Survey of
Alberta, Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta.
- Beaudoin, A. B. (1989) Annotated Bibliography: Late Quaternary Studies in Alberta's
Western Corridor 1950-1988. Archaeological Survey of Alberta Manuscript Series No. 15,
xvii + 362 pages. Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Beaudoin, A. B. (1988) Alberta Radiocarbon Dates 1986-1987. In: Archaeology in Alberta,
1987, compiled by M. Magne, pp. 159-167. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Occasional
Paper No. 32. Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta.
Wilson, M. C., J. R. Vickers, A. C. MacWilliams, A. B. Beaudoin and I. G. Robertson (1991) New
Studies at the Fletcher Paleo-Indian Bison Kill (Alberta/Scottsbluff), Southern Alberta. In
Archaeology in Alberta, 1988 and 1989, edited by M. Magne, pp. 127-133. Archaeological
Survey, Provincial Museum of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 33. Alberta Culture and
Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Beaudoin, Alwynne B., Milt Wright and Brian Ronaghan (1996) Late Quaternary Landscape History
and Archaeology in the 'Ice-Free Corridor': Some Recent Results from Alberta. Quaternary
International 32: 113-126.
- Dawe, Robert J. (2012) A Review of the Cody Complex in Alberta. In: Paleoindian Lifeways
of the Cody Complex, edited by Edward J. Knell and Mark P. Muñiz, pp. 144-187.
The University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
- Morlan, Richard E. (2012) Cody complex geochronology In: Minds Across the Forty-Ninth:
Richard G. Forbis: Plains Archaeologist and Prehistorian, edited by Leslie B. Davis,
Brian O. K. Reeves and Joanne L. Braaten, pp. 266-302. Occasional Papers of the
Archaeological Society of Alberta Number 12. Archaeological Society of Alberta, Calgary,
- Magne, Martin, and Brian Ronaghan (2011) James Roderick Vickers 1946-2011. Canadian
Journal of Archaeology 35: iv-vii.
- Arnold, Thomas G. (2006) The Ice-Free Corridor: Biogeographical Highway or Environmental
Cul-de-Sac. Unpublished PhD dissertation. Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser
University, Burnaby, British Columbia. x + 264 pages.
- Beaudoin, Alwynne B. and Timothy Panas (2004) Annotated Bibliography of Palaeoenvironmental
Studies Within the E-SCAPE Study Area. Report presented to Dr B. A. Nicholson, Principal
Investigator, Brandon University. E-SCAPE Manuscript 16. 44 pages.
- Dyck, Ian (2001) The Last Quarter Century in Canadian Plains Archaeology. Prairie
Forum 26(2):143-168.
- Beaudoin, A. B., and D. S. Lemmen, with contributions from D. J. Sauchyn, W. M. Last, S. A.
Wolfe, W. J. Vreeken, J. A. Burns and I. A. Campbell (2000) Field-trip Guide: Late
Quaternary History and Geoarchaeology of Southeastern Alberta and Southwestern
Saskatchewan. Post Meeting Field-trip #3. Prepared for GeoCanada2000 meeting, Calgary,
May 2000. vii + 55 pages.