Conference Presentations and Abstracts
Beaudoin, Alwynne B., Diana Tirlea and Samuel Owen (2022)
A Long Way from Home: Finds of Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) shells in central Alberta. Joint meeting, CAA (Canadian Archaeological Association) 54th Annual Meeting and Archaeological Society of Alberta 47th Annual Meeting, Edmonton, April 27-30 2022. Program and Abstracts, p. 86.
Tirlea, Diana, Aaron Osicki, Todd Kristensen, Robin Woywitka, Britta Jensen, Alison Criscitiello, Krista Williams, Richard Caners, Lisa Lumley, Ashley Thorsen, Paige Goshko and Alwynne Beaudoin * (2022)
Ice Patch Archaeology and Palaeoenvironmental Research in Jasper National Park (JNP), Alberta. Joint meeting, CAA (Canadian Archaeological Association) 54th Annual Meeting and Archaeological Society of Alberta 47th Annual Meeting, Edmonton, April 27-30 2022. Program and Abstracts, p. 73.
Paulen, Roger C., Alwynne B. Beaudoin, Martin Ross, and Scott Botterill * (2021)
Quaternary stratigraphy and glacial history at Peace River, Alberta. GAC/MAC meeting, London, Ontario, November 2021
Tirlea, Diana, Aaron Osicki, Todd Kristensen, Robin Woywitka, Britta Jensen, Alison Criscitiello, Krista Williams, Richard Caners, Lisa Lumley, Ashley Thorsen and Alwynne Beaudoin * (2021)
Ice Patch Archaeology, Palaeoclimate, and Palaeoenvironmental Research in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, Alberta. 5th International Frozen Pasts: Glacial & Ice Patch Archaeology Conference, September 7-10, 2021, Pray, Montana, USA. Program and Abstracts, pp. 72-73. [Poster]
Reyes, Alberta V., Tenea Dillman, Kristen Kennedy, Duane Froese, Alwynne B. Beaudoin and Roger C. Paulen * (2020)
Legacy Radiocarbon Ages and the MIS 3 Dating Game: A Cautionary Tale From Re-Dating of Pre-LGM Sites in Western Canada. Presentation in Session T145 "From Hudson Bay to the Coastal Plain: Comparisons of Pre-LGM (Last Glacial Maximum) Quaternary Records in Glaciated and Unglaciated North America I" Geological Society of America 2020 Connects Online, Annual Meeting, 26-30 October 2020.
Poletto, Christina L., Alwynne B, Beaudoin, and John W. Ives * (2018)
A High-resolution Late Holocene record from Sharkbite Lake, Northeastern Alberta: Implications for human-landscape dynamics in the Boreal Forest. Session S10 High-resolution records of the Common era. CANQUA-AMQUA Joint Conference, Crossing Borders in the Quaternary, Ottawa. Program and Abstracts, p. 82.
Thorsen, Ashley, Lisa M. Lumley, Diana Tirlea, Alwynne B. Beaudoin, Krista Williams, Richard Caners, and Greg Horne * (2018)
Mites Help Tell 200-Year-Old Story. 66th Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of Alberta. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. September 27 - 29, 2018. [Poster]
Tirlea, Diana, Alwynne B. Beaudoin, Christopher N. Jass, Greg Horne, and Dave Critchley * (2018)
Reconstruction of Alpine Landscapes using Preserved Woodrat Middens. Thinking Mountains, Interdisciplinary Summit Conference, Banff, Alberta, October 2-5 2018.
Tirlea, Diana, Alwynne B. Beaudoin, Krista Williams, Richard Caners, Ashley Thorsen, Lisa Lumley, and Greg Horne * (2018)
Under the melting ice: Reconstructing Little Ice Age landscapes from exhumed flora and fauna. Thinking Mountains, Interdisciplinary Summit Conference, Banff, Alberta, October 2-5 2018.
Beaudoin, Alwynne B. (2018)
Edmonton Now and Then: An Environmental History of Central Alberta. Amiskwaciwâskahikan: Edmonton From Time Immemorial: 2018 Archaeological Society of Alberta Annual General Meeting and Conference, April 26-30, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Program and Abstracts, p. 8.
Tirlea, Diana, Alwynne Beaudoin, Krista Williams, Richard Caners, Ashley Thorsen, Lisa Lumley and Greg Horne * (2018)
Exploring Palaeoenvironments in Mountainous Areas: Recovered Organics from a Receding Glacier. Paper presented at the Amiskwaciwâskahikan: Edmonton From Time Immemorial: 2018 ASA Annual General Meeting and Conference, April 26-30, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Program and Abstracts, p. 19.
Bolton, Matthew S., and Alwynne B. Beaudoin * (2018)
Identification of late Quaternary macrofossils and recent applications in southwestern Alberta. Alberta Palaeontological Society Twenty-second Annual Symposium, March 17-18 2018, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, Abstracts and Short Papers, pp. 28-30. [Poster]
Bolton, Matthew S., and Alwynne B. Beaudoin * (2018)
Riparian macrofossil record as a means to quantitatively reconstruct regional Holocene climate trends. University of Alberta's Palaeontological Society 7th Biennial Symposium, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, March 11 2018. Program and Abstracts, pp. 7-9. [Poster]
Tirlea, Diana, Alwynne B. Beaudoin, Krista Williams, Richard Caners, Ashley Thorsen, Lisa Lumley and Greg Horne * (2017)
Remnant Glacial Ice Patches: Revealing Former Landscapes Through Preserved Plant and Animal Remains. Rocky Mountain Anthropological Conference, Canmore, Alberta, Canada. Program and Abstracts, pp. 52-53
Gilliland, Krista, Matthew Bolton and Alwynne Beaudoin * (2017)
Rescuing the Ranch: Geoarchaeology and Historic Resources Impact Mitigation at the FM Ranch Campsite (EfPk-1) in Southern Alberta, Canada. "Geoarchaeology: Heritage, Environment and Sustainability" session, Sept 6. 7th Developing International Geoarchaeology (DIG) Conference, 4-7 September, Newcastle University, UK. Programme and Abstracts, pp. 24.
Jensen, Britta J. L., and Alwynne B. Beaudoin * (2017)
Revising the Tephrostratigraphy of Alberta. In: Session ES09: In honour of John Clague, one of Canada's foremost Earth Scientists. CGU (Canadian Geophysical Union) Annual Meeting, Vancouver, May 31 2017.
Beaudoin, Alwynne B., and Matthew S. Bolton (2017)
After the flood: Analysis of organic rich sediments exposed by the 2013 floods along rivers in southwest Alberta. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, May 13-17. Abstracts, Vol. 40, p. 21.
Beaudoin. Alwynne B., and Christopher N. Jass (2017)
Do radiocarbon dates tell you anything useful about mammal abundances in the past? 50th Annual Meeting, CAA (Canadian Archaeological Association), Ottawa and Gatineau, May 9-13. Program and Abstracts, p. 92. Presentation in the session "Radiocarbon in Canada: Challenges, Advancements and Datasets".
Poletto, Christina, and Alwynne B. Beaudoin * (2017)
Postglacial landscape of Northeast Alberta: A View from Sharkbite Lake. [Poster] 50th Annual Meeting, CAA (Canadian Archaeological Association), Ottawa and Gatineau, May 9-13. Conference Program and Abstracts, pp. 211-212.
Poletto, Christina and Alwynne B. Beaudoin * (2017)
Blizzards, Blazes, Bandsaws, and Bitumen: Ongoing Palaeoecological Research in Northeastern Alberta [Poster]. 2017 Archaeology Conference Co-hosted by the Archaeological Society of Alberta (Southeastern Centre) and the Saskatchewan Archaeological Society. April 27-30, 2017. The Resort at Cypress Hills, Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Beaudoin, Alwynne B. (2017)
How Humans Populated North America: Revisiting the Ice-Free Corridor (and Other Places). Alberta Palaeontological Society, Twenty-first Annual Symposium, Abstracts and Short Papers, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, pp. 26-28.
Jensen, Britta J. L., and Alwynne B. Beaudoin * (2016)
Revisiting Holocene tephra deposits in the western Canadian Prairie Provinces. [Poster] in session "Using tephrostratigraphy to reconstruct the eruptive history of a volcanic region". AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, December 12-16 2016, San Francisco, California, USA
Beaudoin, Alwynne B., Darryl Bereziuk, Trevor Peck, Christopher N. Jass and Wendy J. Unfreed (2016)
Post-flood surveys along the rivers in southwest Alberta: Archaeology, Quaternary palaeontology and palaeoecology. [Poster] GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Whitehorse, Yukon, June 1-3, 2016.
Beaudoin, Alwynne B., and Britta J. L. Jensen (2016)
The Mazama Ash at sedimentary and archaeological sites across central and southern Alberta and southwest Saskatchewan. [Poster] GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Whitehorse, Yukon, June 1-3, 2016.
Beaudoin, Alwynne B., Matthew Bolton and Lisa Bohach (2016)
Preliminary observations on organic-rich sediments revealed by 2013 floods along the Highwood River, southern Alberta. [Poster] 49th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association, Whitehorse, Yukon, Conference Program and Abstracts, p. 46.
Beaudoin, Alwynne B., Matthew Bolton and Lisa Bohach (2016)
Preliminary observations on organic-rich sediments revealed by 2013 floods along the Highwood River, southern Alberta. Archaeological Society of Alberta Conference, High River, Alberta, April 29 - May 1 2016.
Caldwell, Devyn, Christopher N. Jass, Alwynne B. Beaudoin, Jack Brink and Christian Barron-Ortiz * (2016)
An update on late Quaternary vertebrates from Cold Lake, Alberta. [Poster]. Paper presented at the Alberta Palaeontological Society, Twentieth Annual Symposium, Abstracts and Short Papers, pp. 27-28. Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta.
Beaudoin, Alwynne B. (2016)
Surveying palaeoenvironmental research in Alberta: Pollen records, plant macrofossils and other indicators illuminating the last 13,000 years of landscape history. Paper presented at the Alberta Palaeontological Society, Twentieth Annual Symposium, Abstracts and Short Papers, pp. 20-21. Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta.
Beaudoin, Alwynne B. (2015)
Filling in the Gaps: How Palaeoenvironmental Studies Provide the Backdrop for Alberta's Archaeology. Archaeological Society of Alberta Annual General Conference and Annual General Meeting, Olds, AB, May 8-10, 2015, ASA 1975-2015: Celebrating Forty Years of Alberta Archaeology.
Tirlea, Diana, Alwynne B. Beaudoin, Christopher N. Jass, Greg Horne and Dave Critchley * (2015)
Pollen, Poop and Palaeoenvironments: Using Pollen Analysis in Cave Studies, Jasper National Park. Thinking Mountains 2015: Interdisciplinary Mountain Studies Conference, Jasper National Park, Alberta, May 5-8. [No published abstract]
Beaudoin, Alwynne B., and Christopher N. Jass (2015)
Late Holocene wood and vertebrates from gravels near Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta. Session SG14A "General Contributions in Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology". Joint Assembly (AGU-CGU-GAC-MAC) Conference, Montreal, May 3-7 2015. [Poster, no published abstract]
Beaudoin, Alwynne B. (2015)
An enigmatic mollusc specimen from central Alberta. Alberta Palaeontological Society, Nineteenth Annual Symposium, Abstracts and Short Papers, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, p. 36. [Poster]
Jass, Christopher, Alwynne Beaudoin and Jack Brink * (2014)
Post-glacial Mammal Remains from Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 74th Meeting, Berlin, November 5-8, Meeting Program and Abstracts, pp. 154-155. [Poster]
Beaudoin, Alwynne B., and Gerald A. Oetelaar (2014)
Investigating the environmental impacts and cultural responses to the Mazama ashfall on the northern plains. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 46(6):460.
Beaudoin, Alwynne B., and Christopher N. Jass (2014)
Late Pleistocene-early Holocene landscape adjustment on the northern plains in Alberta: Contrasting the plant and faunal records. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 46(6):133. [Poster]
Beaudoin, Alwynne B. (2014)
Too much, too little, or just right: a 10,000 year perspective on water across the Prairie Provinces from palaeoecological records. Invited presentation for Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists (CSPG)- American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Joint Meeting, Calgary, October 4-18 2014. Conference title: Oil Sands & Heavy Oil Symposium: A Local to Global Multidisciplinary Collaboration. Session theme: Striking the Balance: Regulation and Sustainability Issues. [No published abstract]
Kristensen, Todd, and Alwynne B. Beaudoin * (2014)
The Heritage Art Series: Ecological Catastrophes in Alberta's Past: The Mazama Ashfall. 39th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Society of Alberta, Bodo, May 9-11 2014. [Poster, no published abstract]
Jass, Christopher N., Alwynne B. Beaudoin and Jack Brink * (2014)
Underwater megafauna: Quaternary vertebrates from Cold Lake, Alberta. Alberta Palaeontological Society, Eighteenth Annual Symposium, Abstracts and Short Papers, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, March 22-23 2014, p. 40. [Poster]
Beaudoin, Alwynne B., and Terri Lacourse (2013)
What is the palaeoecological signature of the Mazama ashfall? AASP-CAP-NAMS-CIMP-DINO10 Joint Meeting, San Francisco, October 20-24 2013, Abstracts with Program, p. 46.
Bohach, Lisa, Alwynne B. Beaudoin and Christopher N. Jass * (2013)
Early Holocene faunas of the Sturgeon River valley, central Alberta. CANQUA-CGRG 2013 Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, August 18-22 2013, Program and Abstracts, p. 63.
Pedersen, Mikkel Winther, Harvey Friebe, Charles Schweger, Rebecca Anne Rainville, Alwynne Beaudoin, Cynthia Zutter, Duane Froese, Kenneth Anderson, Kurt H. Kjaer and Eske Willerslev * (2013)
Illuminating the Ice-free Corridor's First Colonizers. CANQUA-CGRG 2013 Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, August 18-22 2013, Program and Abstracts, p. 190.
Tirlea, Diana, Alwynne B. Beaudoin and Rolf D. Vinebrooke * (2013)
Deterioration of pollen grains in frozen and freeze-dried stored lake sediments. CANQUA-CGRG 2013 Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, August 18-22 2013, Program and Abstracts, p. 235. [Poster]
Jass, Christopher N., Alwynne B. Beaudoin and Mike Luchanski * (2013)
Evolving research methods, evolving collections management. 6th Annual Fossil Preparation & Collections Symposium, Royal Tyrrell Museum, Drumheller, Alberta. April 20-22 2013, Program and Abstracts, pp. 50-51 [Poster]
Oetelaar, Gerald A., and Alwynne B. Beaudoin * (2013)
The Days of the Dry Snow: Short and Long Term Cultural Adaptations to the Mazama Ash Fall on the Northern Plains. Abstracts of the SAA 78th Annual Meeting, p. 316. Invited presentation in Symposium 131: Volcanic Activity and Human Ecology - 34 Years Onward. Society for American Archaeology 78th Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 4-8 2013.
Beaudoin, Alwynne B., and Gerald A. Oetelaar (2013)
Landscape Recovery and Resource Availability Following the Mazama Ashfall on the Northern Great Plains. Abstracts of the SAA 78th Annual Meeting, pp. 56-57. Invited presentation in Symposium 131: Volcanic Activity and Human Ecology - 34 Years Onward. Society for American Archaeology 78th Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 4-8 2013.
Beaudoin, Alwynne B., and Christopher N. Jass (2013)
Late Holocene fossils from a gravel deposit northeast of Edmonton, Alberta. Alberta Palaeontological Society, Seventeenth Annual Symposium, Abstracts, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, March 16-17 2013, pp. 30-31. [Poster]
Beaudoin, Alwynne B. (2012)
The Sunwapta Pass, Jasper and Banff national parks, as a keystone locality in Canadian geoscience. Thinking Mountains 2012: Interdisciplinary Mountain Studies Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, December 11-14 2012. [No published abstract]
Tirlea, Diana, Rolf D. Vinebrooke and Alwynne B. Beaudoin * (2012)
Differential preservation of pollen grains in stored mountain lake sediments. Thinking Mountains 2012: Interdisciplinary Mountain Studies Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, December 11-14 2012. [No published abstract]
Beaudoin, Alwynne B. (2012)
Landscape Change on the Northern Great Plains in the Late Pleistocene - Early Holocene Interval and Implications for Human Occupation. 70th Annual Plains Anthropological Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, October 3-6 2012, Program and Abstracts, pp. 22-23.
Dawe, Bob, and Alwynne Beaudoin * (2012)
Investigation of an Organic Residue on Debitage from the Hugo Dosch Site, Saskatchewan. 70th Annual Plains Anthropological Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, October 3-6 2012, Program and Abstracts, pp. 28.
Beaudoin, Alwynne B. (2012)
The Value of Modern Pollen and Seed Reference Collections in Late Quaternary Palaeoecology. Alberta Palaeontological Society, Sixteenth Annual Symposium, Abstracts, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, March 17-18 2012, pp. 31-32. [Poster]
Beaudoin, Alwynne B. (2011)
Twenty-Five Years in a Two-By-Two: Archaeology and Palaeoecology at the Fletcher Site (DjOw-1) in Southern Alberta. Archaeological Society of Alberta 2011 Conference and Annual General Meeting, Edmonton, May 13 to 15 2011, Program and Abstracts. [Poster]
Jass, Christopher N., Alwynne B. Beaudoin, and James A. Burns (2011)
Distribution of Quaternary Vertebrate Localities in Alberta. Alberta Palaeontological Society, Fifteenth Annual Symposium, Abstracts, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, March 19 2011, pp. 10-11. [Poster]
Beaudoin, A. B. (2010)
A postglacial macrofossil record from the Grande Prairie area, Alberta. Prairie Summit, Joint Conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Canadian Cartographic Association, Canadian Geomorphology Research Group, and Canadian Remote Sensing Society, Regina, Saskatchewan, June 1-5 2010, Program and Abstracts, p. 78. [Poster]
Beaudoin, A. B., C. N. Jass and P. Milot (2010)
At the Intersection of Time and Space: Natural Selections and the public presentation of research. A Spatial Odyssey, Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, March 25-27 2010. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. [Poster, no abstracts volume]
Beaudoin, A. B., C. N. Jass and P. Milot (2010)
Natural Selections and the public presentation of palaeontology. Alberta Palaeontological Society, Fourteenth Annual Symposium, Abstracts, pp. 5-6. Mount Royal University, Calgary, March 13 2010. [Poster]
Jass, C. N., A. B. Beaudoin and J. A. Burns * (2009)
Perspectives on Paleontological Change in Ice Age Alberta: Past, Present, and Future. In: Symposium 22: Global Change and Biotic Response: Perspectives from the Quaternary, Windows to the Future. 9th North American Paleontological Convention, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, June 21-26 2009. 9th North American Paleontological Convention Abstracts. p. 298. Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contributions Number 3.
Tirlea, D., R. D. Vinebrooke and A. B. Beaudoin * (2009)
Climate-Mediated Terrestrial-Aquatic Linkages in Small Alpine Catchments in Banff National Park, Alberta. CANQUA-CGRG Biennial Meeting, Simon Fraser University, 3-8 May, Burnaby Campus, Programme and Abstracts, p. 165. [Poster]
Beaudoin, A. B., S. Robinson, D. G. Froese and C. E. Schweger (2009)
Late Pleistocene Spruce Macrofossils and Pollen from the Yukon Flats: Implications for the History of Spruce in Eastern Beringia. CANQUA-CGRG Biennial Meeting, Simon Fraser University, 3-8 May, Burnaby Campus, Programme and Abstracts, p. 36.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2009)
The Value of Reference Collections in Palaeoecology. CANQUA-CGRG Biennial Meeting, Simon Fraser University, 3-8 May, Burnaby Campus, Programme and Abstracts, p. 36. [Poster]
Beaudoin, A. B. (2008)
Inferences About Early Holocene Alberta Climate from Two Macrofossil Records. Geoscience of Climate Change: Understanding the Climate System and the Consequences of Climate Change for the Exploitation and Management of Natural Resources, Conference Abstracts, p. 60. 2008 Gussow-Nuna Geoscience Conference, October 20-23, Banff, Alberta. [Poster]
Bowerman, M., A. B. Beaudoin and R. Mussieux * (2008)
40 Years of Enriching and Preserving Alberta's Geological Heritage. Sixth International Conference, Mineralogy and Museums, Program and Abstracts, p. 45. Golden, Colorado, September 7-9 2008. [Poster]
Beaudoin, A. B., M. Bowerman and R. Mussieux * (2008)
The Geology Collection at the Royal Alberta Museum as an example of the role of museums in the conservation of geological heritage. GAC/MAC/SEG/SGA Joint Annual Meeting, Quebec City, May 26-28 2008, Abstracts, Volume 33, pp. 15-16.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2008)
Seeds and shells from soft sediment: macrofossil analysis at some late Quaternary sites in Alberta. Alberta Palaeontological Society, Twelfth Annual Symposium, Abstracts Volume, pp. 9-12. Mount Royal College, Calgary, March 15 2008.
Robinson, S. C., D. G. Froese, A. B. Beaudoin and C. E. Schweger * (2007)
Early post-glacial spruce macrofossils in interior Alaska: implications for a spruce refugium. CANQUA 2007 Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, June 4-8 2007, Program and Abstracts, p. 155.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2007)
Using macrofossil analysis to explore late Quaternary landscapes of Alberta. Alberta Palaeontological Society Eleventh Annual Symposium "Discovering Fossils", Abstracts Volume, p. 4. March 17-18 2007, Calgary, Alberta [Poster].
Teucher, A. C., S. E. Robertson, D. J. Bender, D. L. Gummer and A. B. Beaudoin * (2007)
Assessment of Ord's Kangaroo Rats in Natural Versus Road Habitats. 8th Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference (PCESC) and Workshop, March 1-3 2007, Regina Saskatchewan [Poster].
Beaudoin, A. B. (2005)
Exploring the Present and Modelling the Past: Some Lessons and Examples from the SCAPE Project. Presentation in "Climate Models and Proxy Reconstructions: What Can They Do For You?" session at "Tools of the Trade: Methods, Techniques, and Innovative Approaches in Archaeology", 38th Chacmool Conference, Calgary, Alberta, November 11 - 13 2005. Program and Abstracts, pp. 14-15. Reprinted in Alberta Archaeological Review, Number 44, Spring 2006, p. 24.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2005)
What the Fletcher Site (DjOw-1) Can Tell Us About the Context for Paleoindian Occupation on the Northern Great Plains. 63rd Annual Plains Anthropological Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, October 19 - 23 2005. Programme and Abstracts, pp. 24-25
Beaudoin, A. B. (2005)
Travellers' Tales: Nineteenth century observations and the perception of drought as abnormal on the Canadian Prairies. Invited presentation in "Drought in Western Canada: Proxies, Paleoclimate Observations and Human Interactions", at CANQUA 2005, Biennial Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 5-8 2005, Program and Abstracts, p. A2.
Paulen, R. C., A. B. Beaudoin and J. G. Pawlowicz (2005)
An interstadial site in the Birch Mountains, north-central Alberta. CANQUA 2005, Biennial Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 5-8 2005, Program and Abstracts, p. A66. [Poster]
Beaudoin, A. B. (2005)
On the development, care, and maintenance of reference and subfossil seed and plant macroremains collections. CAC (Canadian Association for Conservation of Cultural Propery) 31st Annual Conference and Workshop, Jasper, May 19-21 2005, Abstracts, p. 60. [Poster]
Beaudoin, A. B. (2005)
Issues in the peopling of western Canada: when, where, and how. Invited presentation in Special Session 4: Geology of Canada: An overview for nonspecialists, at GAC/MAC/CSPG/CSSS Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 16-18 2005. Program, Volume 30, p. 46.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2005)
E-SCAPE (Edmonton component of the Study of Cultural Adaptations in the Canadian Prairie Ecozone) Research at The Provincial Museum of Alberta. Archaeological Society of Alberta and Saskatchewan Archaeological Society Joint Centennial Conference, Cypress Hills, Saskatchewan, May 5-8 2005. [Poster]
Robinson, Simon, Alwynne Beaudoin, Duane Froese, Jennifer Doubt, and Grant Zazula * (2005)
Plant macrofossils associated with an early Holocene beaver dam in interior Alaska. 35th Annual International Arctic Workshop 2005, March 9-12, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. [Poster]
Yansa, C. H., A. B. Beaudoin and Canadian Association of Palynologists Members * (2004)
History of Palynological Research in Canada and the Role of the Canadian Association of Palynologists (CAP). Poster presented at XI IPC (International Palynological Congress), Granada, Spain, July 4-9 2004. POLEN 14: 601
Gillespie, J., A. Beaudoin and D. Meyer * (2004)
SCAPE Investigations into Holocene Environments and Human History at the Boreal/Prairie Transition, Central Saskatchewan, Canada, American Quaternary Association (AMQUA) Program and Abstracts of the 18th Biennial Meeting, Lawrence, Kansas, June 26-28 2004, p. 138
Beaudoin, A. B., D. Meyer, J. D. Gillespie and D. Russell (2004)
Dissecting a Signal for the Little Ice Age from Environmental and Historical Data from Central Saskatchewan. In Session 14 Challenges and Changes - People and Environment: The SCAPE Project, organized by B. A. Nicholson. 37th Annual Conference Canadian Archaeological Association, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 12-16 2004. CAA Conference Program, p. 20
Beaudoin, A. B., and J. Petrik * (2003)
Meandering Down the Banks of the Database EPIC (E-SCAPE Photographic and Image Catalogue). In Watering SCAPE: The Importance of Water in Plains Archaeology and Landscapes. 36th Annual Chacmool Conference, "Flowing Through Time: Exploring Archaeology Through Humans and their Aquatic Environment", University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, November 12-16 2003.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2003)
Documenting vegetation boundaries on the Canadian prairies using surface pollen samples. In Micropaleontological Applications in Geoarchaeological Studies session. AASP-CAP-NAMS Joint Meeting, St Catharines, Ontario, October 5-8 2003. Program with Abstracts. Reprinted in Palynology 28:234, 2004.
Beaudoin, A. B., and T. Panas (2003)
A Multivariate Statistical Approach to Defining Vegetation Assemblages in the SCAPE Study Area. Paper for Special Session: Challenges and Changes in the Prairie Ecozone: SCAPE 2002, organized by B. A. Nicholson. 36th Annual Conference Canadian Archaeological Association (CAA), McMaster University, Hamilton, May 7 -10. CAA Conference Program, p. 52
Roskowski, L., K. Havholm, A. Aitken, A. Freeman, A. Beaudoin and G. L. Running IV * (2003)
Geoarchaeology at the Below Forks Site: Methods for Assessing Landscape Stability. Paper for Special Session: Challenges and Changes in the Prairie Ecozone: SCAPE 2002, organized by B. A. Nicholson. 36th Annual Conference Canadian Archaeological Association (CAA), McMaster University, Hamilton, May 7 -10. CAA Conference Program, p. 50
Roskowski, L., K. Havholm, A. Aitken, A. Freeman, A. Beaudoin and G. L. Running IV * (2003)
Geoarchaeological Assessment of Landscape Stability at the Below Forks Site, Saskatchewan. Paper for AAG (American Association of Geographers) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, March 5-8 2003 in session "Soils in Archaeological Context: Illustrated Paper Session"
Oetelaar, G. A., and A. B. Beaudoin * (2002)
Darkened Skies and Sparkling Grasses: The Potential Impact of the Mazama Ash Fall on the Southern Alberta Prairies. Presentation in "eSCAPE the Prairies: Catastrophes as Factors in the History and Development of the Prairie Landscape" at 35th Annual Chacmool Conference "Apocalypse Then and Now: A Conference About Archaeology and Worlds' Ends", University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, November 13 - 17 2002.
Beaudoin, A. B., and D. Keller (2002)
Pollen Rides Pillion: Distinguishing Disaster and Change in the Postglacial Palaeoecological Record Through the Use of Modern Analogues. Presentation in "eSCAPE the Prairies: Catastrophes as Factors in the History and Development of the Prairie Landscape" at 35th Annual Chacmool Conference "Apocalypse Then and Now: A Conference About Archaeology and Worlds' Ends", University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, November 13 - 17 2002.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2002)
On the Identification and Characterization of Drought in Postglacial Palaeoecological Records. Presentation in Special Session 2: "Great Plains Geomorphology and Environmental Change" at Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 26 - 29, 2002. GAC-MAC Abstracts Volume 27: 7
Beaudoin, A. B. (2001)
How Do We Know What We're Talking About?: Space and Time in Regional Palaeoenvironmental Reconstructions. Presentation in "SCAPE - Spatial Relationships within the Canadian Prairies Ecozone" session at 34th Annual Chacmool Conference "An Odyssey of Space", University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, November 13 - 18 2001.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2001)
Natural, Static, and Empty Landscapes: Postglacial Palaeoenvironmental Research, People, and Ecosystems in the Canadian Rockies. Presentation in Plenary Session: "Ascending New Peaks: Archaeology, Paleoecology, Traditional Knowledge and Rocky Mountain Ecosystem Management in the 21st Century". Fifth Biennial Rocky Mountain Anthropological Conference: "Rocky Mountain Archaeology in the 21st Century". Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, September 20 - 23 2001.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2001)
Mapping the Past: A Database of Pollen Records for the Northern Plains. 34th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association (CAA), Information Package, Programme and Abstracts, p. 40. Banff, Alberta, May 9 - 13 2001. Presentation in Session 10: Landscape and People on the Canadian Prairies: The SCAPE Project.
Running IV, G. R., A. Freeman, D. Wiseman, A. B. Beaudoin and M. Boyd * (2001)
Local-Scale Geoarchaeological Investigations at the Project Localities in Manitoba: The Influence of Pleistocene Landforms and Deposits on Holocene Geomorphic Processes. 34th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association (CAA), Information Package, Programme and Abstracts, p. 80-81. Banff, Alberta, May 9 - 13 2001. Presentation in Session 10: Landscape and People on the Canadian Prairies: The SCAPE Project.
Freeman, A. K. L., G. L. Running IV, A. B. Beaudoin and D. Wiseman * (2001)
Site- and Local-Scale Processes at the Stampede Site, Cypress Hills, Alberta, and the Below Forks Site, Saskatchewan. 34th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association (CAA), Information Package, Programme and Abstracts, p. 54. Banff, Alberta, May 9 - 13 2001. Presentation in Session 10: Landscape and People on the Canadian Prairies: The SCAPE Project.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2001)
Of Mud and Men: History of the Fletcher Site (DjOw-1), Southern Alberta. 34th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association (CAA), Information Package, Programme and Abstracts, p. 40-41. Banff, Alberta, May 9 - 13 2001. Invited presentation in Session 1: Plains to Pampas, Paleoindian to Protohistoric: A Tribute to the Work and Influence of Dick Forbis.
Ives, J. W., Yang Zhijun, A. B. Beaudoin, J. Brink and J. A. Burns * (2001)
An Early Instance of Formal Bone Technology from Heilongjiang, Northeastern China. 34th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association (CAA), Information Package, Programme and Abstracts, p. 63. Banff, Alberta, May 9 - 13 2001. Presentation in Session 13: Canadian Archaeology Abroad.
Running IV, G. L., K. G. Havholm, D. J. Wiseman, B. Nicholson, H. M. Jol, A. B. Beaudoin, S. Hamilton and M. Boyd * (2001)
Post-glacial Geomorphology, Stratigraphy, and Paleoenvironmental History at Flint Stone Hill, Oak Lake Sandhills, Southwestern Manitoba. AAG Annual Meeting, New York, USA.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2000)
Compiling a Database of Pollen Records for the Northern Plains: Where We Are and Where We're Going. Joint Midwest Archaeological/Plains Anthropological Conference, Program and Abstracts, p. 35. St. Paul, Minnesota, November 9-12 2000. Presentation in Session #21: Challenges and Changing Opportunities: The SCAPE Project.
Running IV, G. L., A. Freeman, D. Wiseman and A. Beaudoin * (2000)
Site and Local-Scale Geoarchaeological Investigations at the SCAPE Study Localities: Methods and Results of Preliminary Reconnaissance. Joint Midwest Archaeological/Plains Anthropological Conference, Program and Abstracts, p. 94. St. Paul, Minnesota, November 9-12 2000. Presentation in Session #21: Challenges and Changing Opportunities: The SCAPE Project.
Dawe, B., and A. B. Beaudoin * (2000)
Black Goo on a Rock: Linking Ethnohistory and Archaeology. CAA 33rd Annual Meeting, Ottawa, May 3 - 7 2000, Abstracts, p. 12.
Beaudoin, A. and G. Oetelaar * (2000)
The Evolving Ecophysical Landscape of Alberta During the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene. In Symposium 162: Moving North or Heading South? Recent Paleoindian Research Along the Inland Corridor, Abstracts of the 65th Annual Meeting of the SAA (Society for American Archaeology), Philadelphia, USA, p. 45.
Dawe, B., and A. B. Beaudoin * (1999)
Analysis of Black Goo on a Rock. 57th Plains Anthropological Conference, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, October 20-24 1999.
Beaudoin, A. B. (1999)
Why Do We Know So Little About the Late-Glacial Landscapes of Alberta? Invited presentation in the session "Geoarchaeology: Coastal and Inland Routes for Peopling of North America". CANQUA-CGRG (Canadian Quaternary Association - Canadian Geomorphology Research Group) 1999 Joint Meeting, August 23-27, University of Calgary, Alberta, Program and Abstracts, 4
Beaudoin, A. B. (1999)
Taking the Long View: Evaluating 19th Century Assessments of the Canadian Prairie Landscape and Climate. Invited presentation in the session "Climate Impacts on Drylands". C.A.G. (Canadian Association of Geographers) Annual Meeting, June 1-5, University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Program and Abstracts, 38-29.
Beaudoin, A. B. (1998)
Bison, Birds, and Bulrushes: Early Holocene Macroremains at the Fletcher Site (DjOw-1), Alberta, and Implications for Plains Landscape and Climate. GSA Annual Meeting, October 26-29 1998, Toronto, Ontario. GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 30, No. 7, P-76 A-168.
Beaudoin, A. B. (1998)
Holocene Climatic Variability on the Interior Plains of Canada: Contrasting the Context for Eurocanadian Settlement with that for Previous Human Occupation. GSA Annual Meeting, October 26-29 1998, Toronto, Ontario. GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 30, No. 7, P-93 A-251
Beaudoin, A. B. (1998)
Macroremains from the Fletcher Site (DjOw-1), southern Alberta, and implications for early postglacial landscapes on the Canadian plains. CAA (Canadian Archaeological Association) 31st Annual Conference, May 6-10 1998, Victoria, British Columbia. Final Programme and Registration Package, 37. Invited presentation in "Beyond the Concept of Cultural Areas: Paleoindian Adaptations on the Edges of the Great Plains and Adjacent Areas, A Cross-Continental Perspective".
Beaudoin, A. B. (1998)
How can we find evidence of people in postglacial palaeoenvironmental records from Alberta? CAA (Canadian Archaeological Association) 31st Annual Conference, May 6-10 1998, Victoria, British Columbia. Final Programme and Registration Package, 38. In "Broadening Perspectives in Paleoethnobotany".
Beaudoin, A. B., C. H. Yansa and R. E. Vance (1998)
The Landscape Context for Early Postglacial Palaeoindian Occupation on the Northern Plains. CAA (Canadian Archaeological Association) 31st Annual Conference, May 6-10 1998, Victoria, British Columbia. Final Programme and Registration Package, 36-37. In "Beyond the Concept of Cultural Areas: Paleoindian Adaptations on the Edges of the Great Plains and Adjacent Areas, A Cross-Continental Perspective".
Beaudoin, A. B. (1998)
Surfers, Scholars and Sightseers: The Provincial Museum of Alberta's Web Site. Abstract in Final Program, Museums and the Web 1998, p. 29. Toronto, Ontario, April 22-25 1998. Archives & Museum Informatics, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Beaudoin, A. B. (1997)
Nineteenth century exploration, climate change, and landscape on the Canadian Prairies. "The Entangled Past: Integrating History and Archaeology", 30th Annual Chacmool Conference, Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, November 13-16, 1997. Program and Abstracts, 15.
Lemmen, D. S., A. B. Beaudoin and R. E. Vance (1997)
Paleoenvironmental Records of Postglacial Climate Change in the Prairie Ecozone. The Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN) Abstracts for Paper Presentations at the Third National Science Meeting, January 21-25 1997, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, p. 43. Environment Canada, Burlington, Ontario.
Beaudoin, A. B. (1996)
An Early Holocene Macrofossil Record from the Fletcher Site (DjOw-1) in Southern Alberta. C.A.G. (Canadian Association of Geographers) Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 11-16 May, Program and Abstracts, 61-62.
Beaudoin, A. B., C. H. Yansa and R. E. Vance (1996)
A Model for Late Glacial-Early Holocene Landscape Development on the Northern Plains. C.A.G. (Canadian Association of Geographers) Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 11-16 May, Program and Abstracts, 62-63. Reprinted in CANQUA Newsletter 17(1):4, 1996.
Naldrett, D., and A. B. Beaudoin (1996)
Reconstruction of River Regimes and Implications for the Archaeological Record in the Oldman River Valley, Southeastern [sic] Alberta. C.A.G. (Canadian Association of Geographers) Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 11-16 May, Program and Abstracts, 159-160. Reprinted in CANQUA Newsletter 17(1):5, 1996.
Beaudoin, A. B., and M. A. Reasoner (1995)
An Investigation of Pollen Focussing and Differential Pollen Deposition in Lake O'Hara, Yoho National Park, British Columbia. 28th Annual Meeting AASP, Ottawa, Ontario, Program and Abstracts, pp. A-1 - A-2.
Beaudoin, A. B. (1995)
Early Holocene Vegetation and Landscapes in Southern Alberta. "Climate, Landscape and Vegetation Change in the Canadian Prairie Provinces", May 8-10 1995, Edmonton, Alberta, Program and Abstracts.
Beaudoin, A. B. (1994)
Exploring the Past: Late Holocene Climate and the Modern Settlement of Alberta. "Ancient Travellers", 27th Annual Chacmool Conference, Archaeology Department, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, November 10-13 1994. Programme and Abstracts, 25.
Ives, J. W., Yang Zhijun, A. B. Beaudoin and Ye Qixiao * (1994)
Human Presence in Heilongjiang, China, Along the Late Pleistocene Periphery of Beringia. "Bridges of Science Between North America and the Russian Far East", 45th Arctic Science Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, and Vladivostok, Russia, August 25 - September 2 1994. Abstracts, Book 2, Section 2 "Beringia Revisited: Recent Discoveries and Interpretations", 20-21.
Beaudoin, A. B., M. Wright and B. Ronaghan (1993)
Late Quaternary Landscape History and Archaeology in the Ice-free Corridor: Some Recent Results from Alberta. G.A.C./M.A.C. Joint Annual Meeting, Edmonton, Program and Abstracts 18:A7.
Beaudoin, A. B. (1993)
Multivariate Statistical Analysis Applied to Modern Pollen Data from the Sunwapta Pass Area, Jasper National Park. G.A.C./M.A.C. Joint Annual Meeting, Edmonton, Program and Abstracts 18:A6.
Campbell, C., I. D. Campbell and A. B. Beaudoin * (1992)
Vegetation Dynamics of the Canadian Prairie Provinces from the End of the Hypsithermal to the Historic Period. The 2nd Palliser Triangle Global Change Conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, November 13-15, 1992, Program with Abstracts, 4-5.
Beaudoin, A. B. (1992)
Early Holocene Palaeoenvironmental Data Preserved in "Non-Traditional" Sites. The 2nd Palliser Triangle Global Change Conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, November 13-15, 1992, Program with Abstracts, 1-2.
Beaudoin, A. B. (1991)
Alberta's Holocene Environments: Examining the Database. "Culture and Environment: A Fragile Coexistence", 24th Annual Chacmool Conference, Archaeology Department, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, November 7-10 1991, Program and Abstracts, 21.
Beaudoin, A. B., and M. A. Reasoner (1990)
Pollen Focussing in Lake Sediments: A Case Study from Lake O'Hara, Yoho National Park. AASP (American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists) 23rd Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta, Program and Abstracts. (Reprinted in Palynology 15:237, 1991).
Beaudoin, A. B., and M. A. Reasoner (1990)
Examination of Pollen Focussing in Sediments from Lake O'Hara, Yoho National Park, and Implications for Interpretation of Pollen Records. CANQUA/AMQUA 1990, Waterloo, Ontario, June 1990, Programme and Abstracts, 13.
Beaudoin, A. B., and L. Halsey (1989)
Some Preliminary Observations on a 9,000 Year Palaeoenvironmental Record from the Grande Prairie Area, Alberta. CANQUA Conference on Late Glacial and Post-Glacial Processes and Environments in Montane and Related Areas, Edmonton, Alberta, August 26-27, 1989, Program and Abstracts, 26.
Ives, J. W., A. B. Beaudoin and M. Magne * (1989)
Alberta's Western Corridor and the Peopling of North America: A Review. CANQUA Conference on Late Glacial and Post-Glacial Processes and Environments in Montane and Related Areas, Edmonton, Alberta, August 26-27, 1989, Program and Abstracts, 33.
Ives, J. W., A. B. Beaudoin and M. P. R. Magne * (1989)
Evaluating the Role of a Western Corridor in the Peopling of the Americas. Circum-Pacific Prehistory Conference, Seattle, Washington, August 1-6, 1989. Session IIA "Routes into the New World" Reprint Proceedings, abstract.
Beaudoin, A. B. (1987)
Modern Pollen Spectra from Sunwapta Pass Area, Jasper National Park. XII INQUA Congress, Ottawa, Ontario, Programme with Abstracts, 126.
Beaudoin, A. B., and M. A. Reasoner (1987)
Preliminary Results from a Study of Pollen Focussing in Lake O'Hara, Yoho National Park, British Columbia. XII INQUA Congress, Ottawa, Ontario, Programme with Abstracts, 126.
Beaudoin, A. B., and J. F. Dormaar (1987)
Some Preliminary Observations on Soils at the Calderwood Buffalo Jump (DkPj-27). C.A.A. (Canadian Archaeological Association), 20th Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Programme and Abstracts, 40.
Beaudoin, A. B. (1986)
Treeline Response to Climatic Change and Fire in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. C.A.G. (Canadian Association of Geographers) Annual Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, Program and Abstracts, 150-151.
Beaudoin, A. B. (1985)
A Discussion of Holocene Timberline Fluctuations in Jasper National Park. CANQUA Symposium on the Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction of Late Wisconsin Deglaciation and the Holocene, Lethbridge, Alberta, Program with Abstracts and Field Guide, 17-18. (Presentation given by R. H. King)
Beaudoin, A. B., and R. H. King (1984)
A Holocene Pollen Record from Wilcox Pass, Jasper National Park. Sixth International Palynological Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Abstracts, 8.
Beaudoin, A. B., and R. H. King (1984)
Identification of Holocene Airfall Tephra in the Southern Canadian Rockies. G.A.C./M.A.C. Joint Annual Meeting, London, Ontario, Program with Abstracts 9:46.
Bowyer-Beaudoin, A. (1982)
Holocene Palaeoenvironmental Change and the Local Pollen Record in Sunwapta Pass, Jasper National Park, Alberta. AMQUA, Seventh Biennial Conference, Seattle, Washington, Abstracts, 74.
King, R. H., A. Bowyer-Beaudoin and D. K. Holland (1980)
Stratigraphic Evidence for Palaeoenvironmental Change in Sunwapta Pass, Jasper National Park. CAGONT/ELDAAG Joint Meeting, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Program and Abstracts.
Holland, D. K., A. Bowyer-Beaudoin and K. B. Cawker (1980)
Investigation of Palaeoenvironmental Change in Sunwapta Pass, Jasper National Park, Alberta. AMQUA, Sixth Biennial Meeting, Orono, Maine, Abstracts and Program, 101. [Abstract only, no presentation]
Holland, D. K., A. Bowyer-Beaudoin and K. B. Cawker (1980)
Palaeoenvironmental Change in Sunwapta Pass, Jasper National Park, Alberta. CAGONT/ELDAAG Joint Meeting, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Program and Abstracts.
Holland, D. K., A. Bowyer-Beaudoin and K. B. Cawker (1980)
A Holocene Pollen Record from Sunwapta Pass, Jasper National Park, Alberta. Fifth International Palynological Conference, Cambridge, England, Abstracts, 176.

[* = presentations given by co-authors]

Symposia and Conference Sessions organized and convened
  • Organizer and Chair, "The Ice-Free Corridor and its Regional Context: New Approaches to the Ongoing Problem of Timing and Character". Session at the Rocky Mountain Anthropological Association Conference (RMAC), Canmore, Alberta, September 21-24 2017. (10 papers)
  • Co-organizer with Terri Lacourse of CAP Special Session "The Palynology of Sudden Events", AASP-CAP-NAMS-CIMP-DINO10 Joint Meeting, San Francisco, California, October 20-24 2013. (8 papers)
  • Co-organizer with Mary Vetter of CAP Special Session "The Palaeoecology of Extreme Environments", CANQUA-CGRG 2013 Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, August 18-22 2013. (5 papers)
    Session abstract:
    • Beaudoin, Alwynne, and Mary Vetter (2013) The Palaeoecology of Extreme Environments. CAP Special Session Abstract for CANQUA-CGRG 2013 Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, August 18-22 2013, Program and Abstracts, p. 10.
  • Co-organizer with Krista Gilliland and Loren Davis of "Geoarchaeology: From Small Scale to Big Picture", CANQUA-CGRG 2013 Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, August 18-22 2013. (7 papers, 3 posters)
    Session abstract:
    • Gilliland, Krista, Loren Davis and Alwynne Beaudoin (2013) Geoarchaeology: From Small Scale to Big Picture. Special Session Abstract for CANQUA-CGRG 2013 Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, August 18-22 2013, Program and Abstracts, p. 9.
  • Co-organizer with Ruthann Knudson of "Paleoindian Landscapes and Lifeways on the Northern Plains: a New Synthesis", 70th Annual Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, October 3 to 6 2012. (13 papers, 1 poster).
    Session abstract:
    • Beaudoin, Alwynne B., and Ruthann Knudson (2012) Paleoindian Landscapes and Lifeways on the Northern Plains: A New Synthesis. Symposium Abstract for 70th Annual Plains Anthropological Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, October 3-6 2012, Program and Abstracts, p. 19.
  • Organizer and Chair of "Climate Models and Proxy Reconstructions: What Can They Do For You?" session (8 papers) at "Tools of the Trade: Methods, Techniques, and Innovative Approaches in Archaeology", 38th Chacmool Conference, Calgary, Alberta, November 11 - 13 2005.
  • Organizer and Chair of "The SCAPE Project: Preliminary Research Results Following Data Collection, 2000-2004" session (5 papers) held on October 22 at 63rd Annual Plains Anthropological Conference, Edmonton Alberta, October 19-23 2005.
  • Organizer and Chair of "Watering SCAPE: The Importance of Water in Plains Archaeology and Landscapes" session, held on November 15 at 36th Annual Chacmool Conference "Flowing Through Time: Exploring Archaeology Through Humans and their Aquatic Environment", University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, November 12-16 2003. (5 papers, 1 poster)
  • Co-convenor with M. J. Head of Session "Land-Sea Correlations in the Cenozoic" held on October 8 at AASP-CAP-NAMS Joint Meeting, St Catharines, Ontario, October 5-8 2003. Co-chaired Session. (7 papers, 4 posters)
  • Organizer and Chair of "When the Weather Goes Haywire: Climate Change and Extreme Events as Factors in Human and Landscape History" session held on November 15 at 35th Annual Chacmool Conference "Apocalypse Then and Now: A Conference About Archaeology and Worlds' Ends", University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, November 13 - 17 2002. (8 papers)
  • Co-convenor with M. J. Head of "The Palynology and Micropaleontology of Boundaries". Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 26 - 29, 2002.
    Resulting publication:
    • Beaudoin, A. B., and M. J. Head (editors) (2004) The Palynology and Micropalaeontology of Boundaries GSL Special Publications, SP230, Geological Society London, 368 pp. DOI: 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.230.01.01 (See details of included papers)
  • Co-organizer with W. Eckerle of "Postglacial Palaeoenvironments of the Rocky Mountains and Adjacent Areas from Palaeoecological and Geoarchaeological Records". Fifth Biennial Rocky Mountain Anthropological Conference: "Rocky Mountain Archaeology in the 21st Century". Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, September 20 - 23 2001.
  • Co-organizer with M. J. Head of "Palynology and Micropaleontology in Canadian Geoscience: New Frontiers and Applications". GeoCanada2000, Calgary, May 2000. (14 papers, 4 posters)
    Resulting publication:
    • Head, M. J., and A. B. Beaudoin (editors) (2002) New Frontiers and Applications in Palynology and Micropaleontology: A Canadian Perspective. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 180(1-3):1-251. (See details of included papers)
  • Co-organizer with Dana Naldrett of "The Changing Human Landscape During the Holocene on the Canadian Prairies". C.A.G. (Canadian Association of Geographers) Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 11-16 May.
  • Co-Convenor with B. G. T. Van Helden and D. J. McIntyre of "Palynology in Canada: Palaeoecological and Stratigraphic Applications". G.A.C./M.A.C. Joint Annual Meeting, Edmonton.

Number of items: See citation reports for these reviews.
This presentation has been compiled and is © 1998-2022 by
Alwynne B. Beaudoin (
Last updated May 29, 2022
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