- Quote of the Day
- A list of personal publications
- My papers, essays, and reviews dealing with postglacial landscape history, palynology,
and geoarchaeology, mostly focussed on Alberta and western Canada.
- A series of resources, including a bibliography, for the E-SCAPE (Edmonton component of the Study
of Cultural Adaptations in the Canadian Prairie Ecozone) project. SCAPE (2000-2005) dealt with
postglacial landscapes and human history in the Canadian prairies in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and
Manitoba. Work on this project continues, with ongoing laboratory analyses and writing.
- The Lake File
- An on-line listing of palaeoenvironmental sites and studies in the SCAPE study area and beyond, with information and references.
- Number of sites: 547. Number of citations: 589. Latest changes/additions to the list: September 5 2012.
- The Dung File
- The Dung File consists of a list of references dealing with pollen, parasites, and plant remains in coprolites and
latrine fills from archaeological and palaeoenvironmental sites. The focus is on studies in North America.
- Latest changes/additions to the list: May 1 2013. Number of citations: 540
- The Dictionary of Quaternary Acronyms and Abbreviations
- Explanations for acronyms commonly encountered in Quaternary studies. The Dictionary now contains more than 2400 entries.
- Reading the Palliser Triangle
- The Palliser Triangle is the drylands area of the Canadian Prairies, comprising mainly
southeastern Alberta, southern Saskatchewan, and southwestern Manitoba. This list consists of
a selection of popular and scholarly writing on this region with commentary,
accompanied by an historical timeline.
- Latest changes/additions to the list: November 30 2014. Number of citations: 203
- Reading the Landscape
- A selection of readings arranged by major theme, chosen simply because they are places or
topics that interest me, or subjects that I have read much about through the years.
- Cultural Pursuits
- Images and Reflections
- Exploring the world around us through digital imagery.
- Networks and Profiles