Summarized Citations of Written Material

Peer-reviewed papers
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Cited Work Citations
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- Beaudoin, A. B. (2011) On the development, maintenance, and use of a modern pollen reference collection. Collection Forum 25(1-2): 62-69. 1
- Beaudoin, A. B. (2009) Small Wonder: Using SEM images to exhibit the "small stuff". Curator: The Museum Journal 52(3):261-272. 1
6 Beaudoin, A. B. (2007) On the Laboratory Procedure for Processing Unconsolidated Sediment Samples to Concentrate Subfossil Seed and Other Plant Macroremains. Journal of Paleolimnology 37:301-308. 15
1 Beaudoin, A. B. (2006) On the Development, Care, and Maintenance of Collections of Reference and Subfossil Seed and Plant Macroremains. Collection Forum 20(1-2):55-66. 7
51 Beaudoin, A. (2003) A comparison of two methods for estimating the organic content of sediments. Journal of Paleolimnology 29(3):387-390 36
6 Beaudoin, A. B. (2002) On the Identification and Characterization of Drought and Aridity in Postglacial Paleoenvironmental Records from the Northern Great Plains. Géographie physique et Quaternaire56(2-3):229-246. E-SCAPE Contribution 3. Note: Volume dated 2002, but published in 2004. 14
8 Beaudoin, A. B. (1999) What They Saw: The Climatic and Environmental Context for EuroCanadian Settlement in Alberta. Prairie Forum 40(1):1-40. 51
11 Beaudoin, A. B. (1993) A Compendium and Evaluation of Postglacial Pollen Records in Alberta. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 17:92-112. 42
6 Beaudoin, A. B. (1989) The Response of the Treeline Zone to Climatic Change in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. The Canadian Geographer 33:83-85 13
23 Beaudoin, A. B. (1986) Using Picea/Pinus Ratios from the Wilcox Pass Core, Jasper National Park, Alberta, to Investigate Holocene Timberline Fluctuations. Géographie physique et Quaternaire 40:145-152 40
3 Beaudoin, A. B., and Y. Beaudoin (2012) Urban White-tailed Jackrabbits (Lepus townsendii) Eat Spike Plants (Cordyline australis) in Winter. The Canadian Field-Naturalist 126(2):157-159. 4
17 Beaudoin, A. B., and R. H. King (1994) Holocene Palaeoenvironmental Record Preserved in a Paraglacial Alluvial Fan, Sunwapta Pass, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada. Catena 22:227-248 30
31 Beaudoin, A. B., and R. H. King (1990) Late Quaternary Vegetation History of Wilcox Pass, Jasper National Park, Alberta. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 80:129-144 43
22 Beaudoin, A. B., and R. H. King (1986) Using Discriminant Function Analysis to Identify Holocene Tephras Based on Magnetite Composition: A Case Study from the Sunwapta Pass Area, Jasper National Park. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 23:804-812. 26
9 Beaudoin, A. B., and G. A. Oetelaar (2003) The Changing Ecophysical Landscape of Southern Alberta During the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene. Plains Anthropologist, Vol. 48, Number 187, pp. 187-207. E-SCAPE Contribution 2. 43
18 Beaudoin, A. B., and M. A. Reasoner (1992) Evaluation of Differential Pollen Deposition and Pollen Focussing at Three Holocene Intervals in Lake O'Hara, Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada: Intra-Lake Variability in Pollen Percentages, Concentration and Influx. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 75: 103-131. 24
28 Beaudoin, A. B., M. Wright and B. Ronaghan (1996) Late Quaternary Landscape History and Archaeology in the 'Ice-Free Corridor': Some Recent Results from Alberta. Quaternary International 32: 113-126. 56
1 Beaudoin, Y., and A. Bowyer-Beaudoin (1981) SOILTD: A FORTRAN Subroutine to Plot Soil Textural Data on a Triangular Diagram Using an X-Y Plotter. Computers & Geosciences 7:207-212. 1
4 Bolton, Matthew S. and Alwynne B. Beaudoin (2017) Climate reconstructions based on postglacial macrofossil assemblages from four river systems in southwestern Alberta. Canadian Water Resources Journal 42(3): 289-305. 2
7 Dormaar, J. F., and A. B. Beaudoin (1991) Application of Soil Chemistry to Interpret Cultural Events at the Calderwood Buffalo Jump (DkPj-27), Southern Alberta, Canada. Geoarchaeology 6: 85-98. 12
6 Freeman, A. K. (compiler), with contributions from A. B. Beaudoin, J. S. Blakey, S. Hamilton, K. G. Havholm, D. A. Meyer, B. A. Nicholson, G. A. Oetelaar, E. C. Robertson, J. Rogers, G. L. Running IV and W. Wallace (2006) Radiocarbon Age Estimates from the SCAPE Project 2000-2005 In: Plains Anthropologist Memoir Number 38: Changing Opportunities and Challenges: Human-Environmental Interaction in the Canadian Prairie Ecozone, Vol. 51, No. 199, pp. 451-483. 7
14 Gaglioti, Benjamin V., Brian M. Barnes, Grant D. Zazula, Alwynne B. Beaudoin and Matthew J. Wooller (2011) Late Pleistocene paleoecology of arctic ground squirrel (Urocitellus parryii) caches and nests from Interior Alaska's mammoth steppe ecosystem, USA. Quaternary Research 76(3): 373-382. 7
2 Jass, C. N., and A. B. Beaudoin (2014) Radiocarbon Dates of Late Quaternary Megafauna and Botanical Remains from Central Alberta, Canada. Radiocarbon 56(3): 1215-1222. 3
1 Jass, Christopher N., Devyn Caldwell, Christina I. Barrón-Ortiz, Alwynne B. Beaudoin, Jack Brink and Matthew Sawchuk (2018) Underwater faunal assemblages: radiocarbon dates and late Quaternary vertebrates from Cold Lake, Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 55(3): 283-294. -
21 Jensen, B. J. L., A. B. Beaudoin, M. A. Clynne, J. Harvey, and J. W. Vallance (2019) A re-examination of the three most prominent Holocene tephra deposits in western Canada: Bridge River, Mount St. Helens Yn and Mazama. Quaternary International 500: 83-95. 7
5 Kristensen, Todd J., Alwynne B. Beaudoin, and John W. Ives (2020) Environmental and Hunter-Gatherer Responses to the White River Ash East Volcanic Eruption in the Late Holocene Canadian Subarctic. Arctic 73(2): 153-186. 4
25 Luckman, B. H., M. S. Kearney, R. H. King and A. B. Beaudoin (1986) Revised 14C Age for St. Helens Y Tephra at Tonquin Pass, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 23: 734-736. 22
10 Oetelaar, G. A., and A. B. Beaudoin (2016) Evidence of cultural responses to the impact of the Mazama ash fall from deeply stratified archaeological sites in southern Alberta, Canada. Quaternary International 394: 17-26. 14
8 Oetelaar, G. A., and A. B. Beaudoin (2005) Darkened Skies and Sparkling Grasses: The Potential Impact of the Mazama Ash Fall on the Southern Alberta Prairies. Plains Anthropologist, Vol. 50, No. 195, pp. 285-305. E-SCAPE Contribution 4. 20
209 Pedersen, Mikkel Winther, Anthony Ruter, Charles Schweger, Harvey Friebe, Richard A. Staff, Kristian Kjellerup Kjeldsen, Marie Lisandra Zepeda Mendoza, Alwynne B. Beaudoin, Cynthia Zutter, Nicolaj Krog Larsen, Ben A. Potter, Rasmus Nielsen, Rebecca A. Rainville, Ludovic Orlando, David J. Meltzer, Kurt H. Kjaer and Eske Willerslev (2016) Postglacial viability and colonization in North America's ice-free corridor. Nature 537(7618): 45-49. 92
70 Potter, Ben A., James F. Baichtal, Alwynne B. Beaudoin, Lars Fehren-Schmitz, C. Vance Haynes, Vance T. Holliday, Charles E. Holmes, John W. Ives, Robert L. Kelly, Bastien Llamas, Ripan S. Malhi, D. Shane Miller, David Reich, Joshua D. Reuther, Stephan Schiffels and Todd A. Surovell (2018) Current evidence allows multiple models for the peopling of the Americas. Science Advances 4(8): eaat5473. 56/a>
11 Robinson, Simon, Alwynne B. Beaudoin, Duane G. Froese, Jennifer Doubt and John J. Clague (2007) Plant Macrofossils Associated with an Early Holocene Beaver Dam in Interior Alaska. Arctic 60(4): 430-438. 7
36 Sauchyn, D. J., and A. B. Beaudoin (1998) Recent Environmental Change in the Southwestern Canadian Plains. The Canadian Geographer 42(4):337-353. Feature issue on "Regional Perspectives on 20th Century Environmental Change", edited by J. D. Jacobs and T. J. Bell. 99
3 Tirlea, Diana, Alwynne B. Beaudoin and Rolf D. Vinebrooke (2015) Freeze-dried is as good as frozen: Evaluation of differential preservation of pollen grains in stored lake sediments. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 215: 46-56. 1
- Tirlea, Diana, Carmen Li, Alwynne B. Beaudoin and Emily Moffat (2018) Long-Term Storage of Small Natural History Specimens Using Gelatin Capsules: A Case Study from the Royal Alberta Museum. Collection Forum 32(1-2): 31-46. -
55 Vance, R. E., A. B. Beaudoin and B. H. Luckman (1995) The Paleoecological Record of 6 ka BP Climate in the Canadian Prairie Provinces. Géographie physique et Quaternaire 49:81-98 85
10 Vickers, J. R., and A. B. Beaudoin (1989) A Limiting AMS Date for the Cody Complex Occupation at the Fletcher Site, Alberta, Canada. Plains Anthropologist, Vol. 34, Number 125, pp. 261-264 42
- Woywitka, Robin, and Alwynne B. Beaudoin (2009) Legacy Databases and GIS: A Discussion of the Issues Illustrated by a Case Study of Archaeological Site Data from Southeast Alberta, Canada. The Canadian Geographer 53(4): 462-472 3
76 Zazula, G. D., D. G. Froese, C. E. Schweger, R. W. Mathewes, A. B. Beaudoin, A. M. Telka, C. R. Harington, and J. A. Westgate (2003) Ice-age steppe vegetation in east Beringia. Nature 423:603 48
44 Zazula, G. D., C. E. Schweger, A. B. Beaudoin and G. H. McCourt (2006) Macrofossil and pollen evidence for full-glacial steppe within an ecological mosaic along the Bluefish River, eastern Beringia. Quaternary International 142-143:2-19. 24
Edited volumes
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Cited Work Citations
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1 Beaudoin, A. B., and M. J. Head (editors) (2004) The Palynology and Micropalaeontology of Boundaries. GSL Special Publications, SP230, Geological Society London. 368 pages. 6
Book chapters
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Cited Work Citations
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4 Beaudoin, A. B. (2016) A Bison's View of Landscape and the Paleoenvironment. In: Bison and People on the North American Great Plains: A Deep Environmental History, edited by Geoff Cunfer and Bill Waiser, pp. 51-89. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Texas, USA. 9
1 Beaudoin, A. B. (2003) Climate and Landscape of the Last 2000 Years in Alberta. In Archaeology in Alberta: A View from the New Millennium edited by Jack W. Brink and John F. Dormaar, pp. 10-45. Archaeological Society of Alberta, Medicine Hat, Alberta. 19
2 Beaudoin, A. B., and M. J. Head (2004) Drawing a Line in the Sand: Identifying and Characterizing Boundaries in the Geological Record. In The Palynology and Micropalaeontology of Boundaries, edited by A. B. Beaudoin and M. J. Head, pp. 1-10. Special Publication 230. Geological Society, London. 2
5 Beaudoin, A. B., and G. A. Oetelaar (2006) The Day the Dry Snow Fell: The Record of a 7627-year-old Disaster. In: Alberta Formed Alberta Transformed, Volume 1, edited by M. Payne, D. Wetherell, and C. Kavanaugh, pp. 36-53. Co-published by University of Alberta Press and University of Calgary Press. 9
7 Bouchet, L., and A. B. Beaudoin (2017) Kearl Lake: A Palynological Study and Postglacial Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction of Alberta's Oil Sands Region. In: Alberta's Lower Athabasca Basin: Archaeology and Palaeoenvironments, edited by Brian M. Ronaghan, pp. 83-111. Athabasca University Press. 6
- Dredge, Lynda, Alwynne Beaudoin, John Clague, Alan Morgan, Gilbert Prichonnet, Robert Fensome, and Graham Williams (2014) Chapter 11: The Ice Age. In: Four Billion Years and Counting: Canada's Geological Heritage, edited by Robert Fensome, Graham Williams, Aïcha Achab, John Clague, David Corrigan, Jim Monger, and Godfrey Nowlan, pp. 216-239. Co-published by Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences and Nimbus Publishing, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. 2
- Meyer, D., A. B. Beaudoin and L. J. Amundson (2011) Chapter 1: Human Ecology of the Canadian Prairie Ecozone ca. 9000 BP: The Paleo-Indian Period. In: Human Ecology of the Canadian Prairie Ecozone 11,000 to 300 BP, edited by B. A. Nicholson, pp. 5-53. CPRC Press, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. 15
Web of
Cited Work Citations
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14 Beaudoin, A. B. (1984) Holocene Palaeoenvironmental Change in the Sunwapta Pass Area, Jasper National Park. Unpub. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geography, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada. xvi + 487 pages. 40
1 Bowyer, A. (1977) The Sunwapta Section: Composition and Development of a Complex Stratigraphic Section from Sunwapta Pass, Jasper National Park. Unpub. M.Sc. thesis, Department of Geography, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada. xi + 164 pages. 27
Short Notes
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Cited Work Citations
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1 Beaudoin, A. B. (2001) A regional compilation of postglacial paleoenvironmental records from the northern Plains for the SCAPE Project. Current Research in the Pleistocene 18: 91-92. E-SCAPE Contribution 1. 2
3 Ives, J. W., Yang Zhijun, A. B. Beaudoin and Ye Qixiao (1994) Human Presence in Heilongjiang, China, Along the Late Pleistocene Periphery of Beringia. Current Research in the Pleistocene 11:136-138. 4
1 Lemmen, D. S., A. B. Beaudoin and R. E. Vance (1997) Paleoenvironmental Records of Postglacial Climate Change in the Prairie Ecozone. In The Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network Report on the Third National Science Meeting, January 21-25 1997 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, compiled by Ashok Lumb, pp. 50-51. Ecological Monitoring Co-ordinating Office, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, Burlington, Ontario. 1
21 Potter, Ben A., Alwynne B. Beaudoin, C. Vance Haynes, Vance T. Holliday, Charles E. Holmes, John W. Ives, Robert Kelly, Bastien Llamas, Ripan Malhi, Shane Miller, David Reich, Joshua D. Reuther, Stephan Schiffels and Todd Surovell (2018) Arrival routes of first Americans uncertain. Science 359(6381): 1224-1225. 19
In-house Publication
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Cited Work Citations
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2 Beaudoin, A. B. (1991) Alberta Radiocarbon Dates 1988-1989. In Archaeology in Alberta, 1988 and 1989, edited by M. Magne, pp. 239-253. Archaeological Survey, Provincial Museum of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 33. Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 8
4 Beaudoin, A. B. (1989) Annotated Bibliography: Late Quaternary Studies in Alberta's Western Corridor 1950-1988. Archaeological Survey of Alberta Manuscript Series No. 15, xvii + 362 pages. Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 12
1 Beaudoin, A. B. (1988) Alberta Radiocarbon Dates 1986-1987. In Archaeology in Alberta, 1987, compiled by M. Magne, pp. 159-167. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 32. Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 7
2 Beaudoin, A. B. (1987) Alberta Radiocarbon Dates 1982-1986. In: Archaeology in Alberta, 1986, compiled by M. Magne, pp. 197-213. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 31. Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta. 10
- Beaudoin, A. B. (1987) Collection and Submission of Samples for Radiocarbon Dating. In: Archaeology in Alberta, 1986, compiled by M. Magne, pp. 188-196. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 31. Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta. 3
1 Beaudoin, A. B., and F. D. Reintjes (1994) Late Quaternary Studies in Beringia and Beyond, 1950-1992: An Annotated Bibliography. Archaeological Survey, The Provincial Museum of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 35, viii + 386 pages. Alberta Community Development, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 5
1 Bolton, Matthew S. and Alwynne B. Beaudoin (2017) Recognizing macrofossils: A pictorial guide to some common seeds and shells from alluvial deposits in southern Alberta. In: After the flood: Investigations of impacts to archaeological resources from the 2013 flood in southern Alberta, edited by T. R. Peck, pp. 156-168. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 1
1 Bolton, Matthew S. and Alwynne B. Beaudoin (2016) Reconstructing the Highwood River's Holocene palaeoecology: Assessment of organic-rich alluvial samples collected following the 2013 flood event. In: Back on the horse: Recent developments in archaeological and palaeontological research in Alberta, edited by R. Woywitka, pp. 161-168. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. -
4 Jensen, Britta J. L., and Alwynne B. Beaudoin (2016) Geochemical characterization of tephra deposits at archaeological and palaeoenvironmental sites across south-central Alberta and southwest Saskatchewan. In: Back on the horse: Recent developments in archaeological and palaeontological research in Alberta, edited by Robin Woywitka, pp. 154-160. Archaeological Survey of Alberta Occasional Paper No. 36. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 5
4 Ronaghan, B. M., and A. B. Beaudoin (1988) An Archaeological Survey in the Upper North Saskatchewan River Valley. In Archaeology in Alberta, 1987, compiled by M. Magne, pp. 25-45. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 32. Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 12
1 Wilson, M. C., J. R. Vickers, A. C. MacWilliams, A. B. Beaudoin and I. G. Robertson (1991) New Studies at the Fletcher Paleo-Indian Bison Kill (Alberta/Scottsbluff), Southern Alberta. In Archaeology in Alberta, 1988 and 1989, edited by M. Magne, pp. 127-133. Archaeological Survey, Provincial Museum of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 33. Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 7
Other publications
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3 Beaudoin, A. B. (2000) Stop 4: The Fletcher Site (DjOw-1). In: Late Quaternary History and Geoarchaeology of Southeastern Alberta and Southwestern Saskatchewan, edited by A. B. Beaudoin and D. S. Lemmen, pp. 21-23. Field Trip Guidebook No. 3. GeoCanada 2000, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 5
- Beaudoin, A. B. (1989) Palaeoenvironmental Studies in Western Alberta. In: Climatic Fluctuations and Man 4, Program, Abstracts and News, compiled by C. R. Harington, pp. 96-97. Canadian Committee on Climatic Fluctuations and Man, Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Ontario. 2
3 Beaudoin, A. B., and D. S. Lemmen, with contributions from D. J. Sauchyn, W. M. Last, S. A. Wolfe, W. J. Vreeken, J. A. Burns and I. A. Campbell (2000) Field-trip Guide: Late Quaternary History and Geoarchaeology of Southeastern Alberta and Southwestern Saskatchewan. Post Meeting Field-trip #3. Prepared for GeoCanada2000 meeting, Calgary, May 2000. vii + 55 pages 6
1 Beaudoin, A. B., and H. W. Pyszczyk (1998) Where Was Anthony Henday and What Did He See? Alberta Archaeological Review 28:25-31 4
2 Beaudoin, A. B., and M. Wright (1993) Links between Culture and Environment: An Example from Archaeological and Palaeoenvironmental Research in the Grande Prairie Region, Northwestern Alberta, 1987-1991. In Culture and Environment: A Fragile Coexistence, edited by R.W. Jamieson, S. Abonyi and N. Mirau, Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Chacmool Conference of the Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary, pp. 231-235. Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada 5
2 Levson, V. M., B. H. Luckman and A. B. Beaudoin (1989) Late Glacial and Post-Glacial Processes and Environments in Montane and Adjacent Areas. CANQUA 1989 Conference, Field Excursion Guide, August 28th-30th 1989, Edmonton-Jasper-Abraham Lake-Edmonton, 124 pages. 8
- Pyszczyk, H. W., and A. B. Beaudoin (2005) A Historical and Archaeological Driving, Walking, and Talking Tour of the Greater Edmonton Area. Post-meeting Field-trip Guide, 63rd Annual Plains Anthropological Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, October 22 2005. 51 pages. 2
- Pyszczyk, Heinz W., Alwynne B. Beaudoin and Christopher N. Jass (2013) East of Edmonton: Late Quaternary Landscapes, Palaeoenvironments, and Human History. CANQUA-CGRG Conference, Edmonton, Post-Meeting Fieldtrip Guidebook, August 23 2013. 54 pages. 1
1 Rutter, N., M. Fenton, V. Levson, J. Kulig, J. Pawlowicz, M. Reasoner and A. Beaudoin (1993) Quaternary Geology of the Edmonton-Jasper-Rocky Mountain House Region. Geological Association of Canada/Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, Field Trip B-1, Guidebook, 128 pages. 1
Conference abstracts
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Cited Work Citations
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1 Reyes, Alberta V., Tenea Dillman, Kristen Kennedy, Duane Froese, Alwynne B. Beaudoin and Roger C. Paulen * (2020) Legacy Radiocarbon Ages and the MIS 3 Dating Game: A Cautionary Tale From Re-Dating of Pre-LGM Sites in Western Canada. GSA 2020 Connects Online, Annual Meeting, 26-30 October 2020, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 1
- Beaudoin, Alwynne B. (2017) How humans populated North America: Revisiting the Ice-Free Corridor (and other places). Alberta Palaeontological Society, Twenty-first Annual Symposium, Abstracts and Short Papers, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, 26-28. 1
- Beaudoin, Alwynne B., Darryl Bereziuk, Trevor Peck, Christopher N. Jass and Wendy J. Unfreed (2016) Post-flood surveys along the rivers in southwest Alberta: Archaeology, Quaternary palaeontology and palaeoecology. [Poster] GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Whitehorse, Yukon, June 1-3, 2016. 1
1 Caldwell, Devyn, Christopher N. Jass, Alwynne B. Beaudoin, Jack Brink and Christian Barrón-Ortiz (2016) An update on late Quaternary vertebrates from Cold Lake, Alberta. [Poster]. Paper presented at the Alberta Palaeontological Society, Twentieth Annual Symposium, Abstracts and Short Papers, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta. pp. 27-28. 1
1 Jass, Christopher, Alwynne Beaudoin and Jack Brink (2014) Post-glacial Mammal Remains from Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 74th Meeting, Berlin, Meeting Program and Abstracts, pp. 154-155. 2
- Beaudoin, Alwynne B., and Christopher N. Jass (2013) Late Holocene fossils from a gravel deposit northeast of Edmonton, Alberta. Alberta Palaeontological Society, Seventeenth Annual Symposium, Abstracts, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, March 16-17 2013, pp. 30-31. [Poster] 2
1 Beaudoin, Alwynne B., and Terri Lacourse (2013) What is the palaeoecological signature of the Mazama ashfall? AASP-CAP-NAMS-CIMP-DINO10 Joint Meeting, San Francisco, October 20-24 2013, Abstracts with Program, p.46. -
1 Jass, C. N., A. B. Beaudoin and J. A. Burns (2009) Perspectives on Paleontological Change in Ice Age Alberta: Past, Present, and Future. In: Symposium 22: Global Change and Biotic Response: Perspectives from the Quaternary, Windows to the Future. 9th North American Paleontological Convention, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, June 21-26 2009. 9th North American Paleontological Convention Abstracts. p. 298. Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contributions Number 3. 1
- Beaudoin, A. B. (2008) Seeds and shells from soft sediment: macrofossil analysis at some late Quaternary sites in Alberta. Alberta Palaeontological Society, Twelfth Annual Symposium, Abstracts Volume, pp. 9-12. Mount Royal College, Calgary, March 15 2008. 1
5 Paulen, R. C., A. B. Beaudoin and J. G. Pawlowicz (2005) An interstadial site in the Birch Mountains, north-central Alberta. CANQUA 2005, Biennial Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 5-8 2005, Program and Abstracts, p. A66. 2
- Beaudoin, A. B., and D. Keller (2002) Pollen Rides Pillion: Distinguishing Disaster and Change in the Postglacial Palaeoecological Record Through the Use of Modern Analogues. Presentation in "eSCAPE the Prairies: Catastrophes as Factors in the History and Development of the Prairie Landscape" at 35th Annual Chacmool Conference "Apocalypse Then and Now: A Conference About Archaeology and Worlds' Ends", University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, November 13 - 17 2002. 1
- Beaudoin, A. B. (2001) Of Mud and Men: History of the Fletcher Site (DjOw-1), Southern Alberta. 34th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association (CAA), Information Package, Programme and Abstracts, p. 40-41. Banff, Alberta, May 9 - 13 2001. 1
1 Beaudoin, A. B., C. H. Yansa, and R. E. Vance (1998) The Landscape Context for Early Postglacial Palaeoindian Occupation on the Northern Plains. CAA (Canadian Archaeological Association) 31st Annual Conference, May 6-10 1998, Victoria, British Columbia. Final Programme and Registration Package, 36-37. In "Beyond the Concept of Cultural Areas: Paleoindian Adaptations on the Edges of the Great Plains and Adjacent Areas, A Cross-Continental Perspective". 2
1 Beaudoin, A. B. (1998) Macroremains from the Fletcher Site (DjOw-1), southern Alberta, and implications for early postglacial landscapes on the Canadian plains. CAA (Canadian Archaeological Association) 31st Annual Conference, May 6-10 1998, Victoria, British Columbia. Final Programme and Registration Package, 37 -
1 Beaudoin, A. B. (1998) Bison, Birds, and Bulrushes: Early Holocene Macroremains at the Fletcher Site (DjOw-1), Alberta, and Implications for Plains Landscape and Climate. GSA Annual Meeting, October 26-29 1998, Toronto, Ontario. GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 30, No. 7, P-76 A-168. 2
2 Lemmen, D. S., A. B. Beaudoin and R. E. Vance (1997) Paleoenvironmental Records of Postglacial Climate Change in the Prairie Ecozone. The Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN) Abstracts for Paper Presentations at the Third National Science Meeting, January 21-25 1997, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, p. 43. Environment Canada, Burlington, Ontario. -
- Naldrett, D., and A. B. Beaudoin (1996) Reconstruction of River Regimes and Implications for the Archaeological Record in the Oldman River Valley, Southeastern [sic] Alberta. C.A.G. (Canadian Association of Geographers) Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 11-16 May, Program and Abstracts, 159-160. Reprinted in CANQUA Newsletter 17(1):5, 1996. 1
1 Beaudoin, A. B. (1996) An Early Holocene Macrofossil Record from the Fletcher Site (DjOw-1) in Southern Alberta. C.A.G. (Canadian Association of Geographers) Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 11-16 May, Program and Abstracts, 61-62 5
2 Beaudoin, A. B., C. H. Yansa, and R. E. Vance (1996) A Model for Late Glacial-Early Holocene Landscape Development on the Northern Plains. C.A.G. (Canadian Association of Geographers) Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 11-16 May, Program and Abstracts, 62-63 3
- Beaudoin, A. B. (1995) Early Holocene Vegetation and Landscapes in Southern Alberta. "Climate, Landscape and Vegetation Change in the Canadian Prairie Provinces", May 8-10 1995, Edmonton, Alberta, Program and Abstracts. 1
6 Beaudoin, A. B. (1992) Early Holocene Palaeoenvironmental Data Preserved in "Non-Traditional" Sites. The 2nd Palliser Triangle Global Change Conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, November 13-15, 1992, Program with Abstracts, 1-2 14
- Beaudoin, A. B., and L. Halsey (1989) Some Preliminary Observations on a 9,000 Year Palaeoenvironmental Record from the Grande Prairie Area, Alberta. CANQUA Conference on Late Glacial and Post-Glacial Processes and Environments in Montane and Related Areas, Edmonton, Alberta, August 26-27, 1989, Program and Abstracts, 26. 4
- Ives, J. W., A. B. Beaudoin and M. Magne (1989) Alberta's Western Corridor and the Peopling of North America: A Review. CANQUA Conference on Late Glacial and Post-Glacial Processes and Environments in Montane and Related Areas, Edmonton, Alberta, August 26-27, 1989, Program and Abstracts, 33. 2
1 Ives, J. W., A. B. Beaudoin and M. P. R. Magne (1989) Evaluating the Role of a Western Corridor in the Peopling of the Americas. Circum-Pacific Prehistory Conference, Seattle, Washington, August 1-6, 1989. Session IIA "Routes into the New World" Reprint Proceedings, abstract. 1
1 Beaudoin, A. B. (1987) Modern Pollen Spectra from Sunwapta Pass Area, Jasper National Park. XII INQUA Congress, Ottawa, Ontario, Programme with Abstracts, 126. 1
- Beaudoin, A. B. (1985) A Discussion of Holocene Timberline Fluctuations in Jasper National Park. CANQUA Symposium on the Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction of Late Wisconsin Deglaciation and the Holocene, Lethbridge, Alberta, Program with Abstracts and Field Guide, 17-18. (Presentation given by R. H. King) 1
- Beaudoin, A. B., and R. H. King (1984) A Holocene Pollen Record from Wilcox Pass, Jasper National Park. Sixth International Palynological Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Abstracts, 8. 1
- Beaudoin, A. B., and R. H. King (1984) Identification of Holocene Airfall Tephra in the Southern Canadian Rockies. G.A.C./M.A.C. Joint Annual Meeting, London, Ontario, Program with Abstracts 9:46. 1
- Bowyer-Beaudoin, A. (1982) Holocene Palaeoenvironmental Change and the Local Pollen Record in Sunwapta Pass, Jasper National Park, Alberta. AMQUA, Seventh Biennial Conference, Seattle, Washington, Abstracts, 74. 1
1 Beaudoin, A. B. (1987) Modern Pollen Spectra from Sunwapta Pass Area, Jasper National Park. XII INQUA Congress, Ottawa, Ontario, Programme with Abstracts, 126 1
1 Holland, D. K., A. Bowyer-Beaudoin and K. B. Cawker (1980) A Holocene Pollen Record from Sunwapta Pass, Jasper National Park, Alberta. Fifth International Palynological Conference, Cambridge, England, Abstracts, 176. 4
- Holland, D. K., A. Bowyer-Beaudoin and K. B. Cawker (1980) Investigation of Palaeoenvironmental Change in Sunwapta Pass, Jasper National Park, Alberta. AMQUA, Sixth Biennial Meeting, Orono, Maine, Abstracts and Program, 101. 2
Book reviews
Web of
Cited Work Citations
in other
- Beaudoin, A. B. (2017) Ancient Pathways, Ancestral Knowledge: Ethnobotany and Ecological Wisdom of Indigenous Peoples of Northwestern North America. Volumes 1 and 2, by Nancy J. Turner, 2014. Reviewed in he Canadian Field-Naturalist 131(2): 187-188. 1
- Beaudoin, A. B. (2007) Pollen: The Hidden Sexuality of Flowers by Rob Kesseler and Madeline Harley. Reviewed in AASP Newsletter 40(3): 12-15. 1
- Beaudoin, A. B. (2006) An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore. Reviewed in The Canadian Field-Naturalist 120(4): 494-495. 1
Newsletter articles
Web of
Cited Work Citations
in other
1 Beaudoin, A. B. (compiler and editor) (2007) Alberta Fieldwork News. CAA Newsletter 27(1):29-38. Reprinted in Alberta Archaeological Review, Number 46, Spring 2007, pp. 10-16. -
1 Beaudoin, A. B. (compiler and editor) (2003) SCAPE Report of Activities 2002. CAA Bulletin 23(1):38-42. Reprinted in Alberta Archaeological Review, Number 38, Spring 2003, pp. 6-11 and in Saskatchewan Archaeological Society Newsletter 24(1): 25-32 (February 2003). -
1 Beaudoin, A. B. (compiler and editor) (2001) SCAPE Report of Activities 2000. CAA Newsletter 21(1):15-18. Reprinted in Saskatchewan Archaeological Society Newsletter 23(1):9-14 (2002) and in Alberta Archaeological Review, Number 34, Spring 2001, pp. 11-16. -
1 Beaudoin, A. B. (2000) Resources for the Identification of Plant Macroremains. CAP Newsletter 23(2): 7-11. 1
Reports and other grey literature
Web of
Cited Work Citations
in other
- Beaudoin, A. B. (2013) Identification of macroremains from hearth fill recovered at site FjPj-108 in Edmonton. Appendix H: Seed Analysis. In: Historical Resources Impact Assessment (HRIA) and Historical Resources Impact Mitigation (HRIM) at FjPj-108 - Walterdale Bridge Replacement Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Final Report Permit 12-135, by Gareth Spicer and R. Eldridge. Unpublished report on file, Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. 1
1 Beaudoin, A. B. (2003) Report on Plant Collecting Activities in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park, Summer 2000 Permit 2000 - CH - 001. Report submitted to Wayne Pedrini, Area Manager, Southeastern Area, Parks and Protected Areas, Alberta Community Development, Medicine Hat, Alberta. E-SCAPE Manuscript 12. 79 pages. -
1 Beaudoin, A. B. (2002) Sediment Coring at Elkwater Lake, Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park, February 2002 Permit No. 2002 - CH - 001. Report submitted to Wes Mickey, Area Manager, Medicine Hat Area, Parks and Protected Areas, Alberta Community Development. E-Scape Manuscript 8. 8 pages. -
- Beaudoin, A. B. (1985) Preliminary Investigation of the Pollen Record from the Moni Bog, Southwest Cyprus. Report presented to Dr R. H. King, Department of Geography, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, for the Canadian Palaeo-Paphos Archaeological Survey Project. 14 pages. 2
- Beaudoin, A. B., and T. Panas (2002) Methodology and Preliminary Results for the Palaeoenvironmental Database Component, SCAPE (Study of Cultural Adaptations in the Canadian Prairie Ecozone) Project. Report presented to Dr B. A. Nicholson, Principal Investigator, Brandon University. E-SCAPE Manuscript 9. 513 pages. 1
- Gummer, D. L., A. B. Beaudoin and D. J. Bender (2005) Diet of Ord's Kangaroo Rats and Implications for Reclamation of Disturbed Sites in the Middle Sand Hills. Final report for EnCana, Canada, December 2005, 18 pages. 6
1 Ives, J. W., A. B. Beaudoin and M. P. R. Magne (1989) Evaluating the Role of a Western Corridor in the Peopling of the Americas. Circum-Pacific Prehistory Conference, Seattle, Washington, August 1-6, 1989. Session IIA "Routes into the New World" Reprint Proceedings, 27 pages. 20
1 King, R. H., A. Bowyer-Beaudoin and F. J. Chorley (1981) Holocene Environmental Change in Jasper National Park: Fourth Interim Report. Progress report to Parks Canada. 26 pages. Copy on file at Park Library, Jasper, Alberta. 3
1 King, R. H., K. B. Cawker, M. S. Kearney, A. Bowyer-Beaudoin and D. K. Holland (1980) Holocene Environmental Change in Jasper National Park: Third Interim Report. Progress report to Parks Canada. 37 pages. Copy on file at Park Library, Jasper, Alberta. 4
3 Luckman, B. H., M. S. Kearney, A. Bowyer-Beaudoin and D. K. Holland (1979) Holocene Environmental Change in Jasper National Park: Second Interim Report. Progress report to Parks Canada. 29 pages. Copy on file at Park Library, Jasper, Alberta. 18
Online documents and blogs
Web of
Cited Work Citations
in other
1 Beaudoin, A. B., D. S. Lemmen and R. E. Vance (1997) Paleoenvironmental Records of Postglacial Climate Change in the Prairie Ecozone. On-line paper for EMAN (Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network). 5
Notes: The above table compiles citations included in Web of Science (first column), which only abstracts a selected number of publications. The "other" column tallies known citations in sources not abstracted by Web of Science.
This presentation has been compiled and is © 1998-2024 by
Alwynne B. Beaudoin (
Last updated August 11, 2024
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