Reports and Other Grey Literature
- Beaudoin, A. B. (2013)
- Identification of macroremains from hearth fill recovered at site FjPj-108 in Edmonton.
Appendix H: Seed Analysis. In: Historical Resources Impact Assessment (HRIA) and Historical
Resources Impact Mitigation (HRIM) at FjPj-108 - Walterdale Bridge Replacement Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada. Final Report Permit 12-135, by Gareth Spicer and R. Eldridge. Unpublished
report on file, Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
- Beaudoin, A. B. (2004)
- E-SCAPE (Edmonton component of the SCAPE Project): Report of Activities, September 2002 -
April 2004. Report presented to Dr B. A. Nicholson, Principal Investigator, Brandon
University. E-SCAPE Manuscript 19. 64 pages.
- Beaudoin, A. B. (2003)
- Report on Plant Collecting Activities in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park, Summer 2000
Permit 2000 - CH - 001. Report submitted to Wayne Pedrini, Area Manager, Southeastern Area,
Parks and Protected Areas, Alberta Community Development, Medicine Hat, Alberta. E-SCAPE
Manuscript 12. 79 pages
- Beaudoin, A. B. (2002)
- E-SCAPE (Edmonton component of the SCAPE Project): Report of Activities, January - August
2002. Report presented to Dr B. A. Nicholson, Principal Investigator, Brandon University.
E-SCAPE Manuscript 10. 26 pages.
- Beaudoin, A. B. (2002)
- Sediment Coring at Elkwater Lake, Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park, February 2002 Permit
No. 2002 - CH - 001. Report submitted to Wes Mickey, Area Manager, Medicine Hat Area, Parks
and Protected Areas, Alberta Community Development. E-SCAPE Manuscript 8. 8 pages.
- Beaudoin, A. B. (2002)
- E-SCAPE (Edmonton component of the SCAPE Project): Report of Activities, January 2001 -
January 2002. Report presented to Dr B. A. Nicholson, Principal Investigator, Brandon
University. E-SCAPE Manuscript 5. 8 pages.
- Beaudoin, A. B. (2001)
- E-SCAPE (Edmonton component of the SCAPE Project): Report of Activities, May - December
2000. Report presented to Dr B. A. Nicholson, Principal Investigator, Brandon University.
E-SCAPE Manuscript 1. 9 pages.
- Beaudoin, A. B. (1996)
- Quaternary Palynology: Resource Handbook. Prepared for Anthropology 488:B1 "Quaternary
Palynology". Report on file, Palynology Laboratory, Provincial Museum of Alberta,
Edmonton. 54 pages. Revised and updated version (second edition) produced January 1998. Third
edition (81 pages), revised and updated, produced January 2001.
- Beaudoin, A. B. (1985)
- Preliminary Investigation of the Pollen Record from the Moni Bog, Southwest Cyprus.
Report presented to Dr R. H. King, Department of Geography, University of Western Ontario,
London, Ontario, for the Canadian Palaipaphos (Cyprus) Survey Project. 14 pages.
- Beaudoin, A. B. (1985)
- Earth Science Features. In A Preliminary Life Science Study of Skunk's Misery Area of Natural
and Scientific Interest, Ontario, edited by B. Klinkenberg, pp. 9-18. McIlwraith Field
Naturalists in co-operation with Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Aylmer District Office,
- Beaudoin, A. B., and J. D. Gillespie (2004)
- Sediment Coring at Candle, Wakaw and Rhona Lakes, Central Saskatchewan, March 2002 and
February 2004. Report submitted to Lyle Wallin and Jennifer Merkowsky, Saskatchewan
Environment. E-SCAPE Manuscript 20. 8 pages.
- Beaudoin, A. B., and T. Panas (2004)
- Annotated Bibliography of Palaeoenvironmental Studies Within the E-SCAPE Study Area.
Report presented to Dr B. A. Nicholson, Principal Investigator, Brandon University. E-SCAPE
Manuscript 16. 44 pages.
- Beaudoin, A. B., and T. Panas (2002)
- Methodology and Preliminary Results for the Palaeoenvironmental Database Component, SCAPE
(Study of Cultural Adaptations in the Canadian Prairie Ecozone) Project. Report presented to
Dr B. A. Nicholson, Principal Investigator, Brandon University. E- SCAPE Manuscript 9. 513
- Beaudoin, A. B., and J. Petrik (2003)
- Report on the Development of a Database for Photographic Images Acquired through
the Edmonton Component of the SCAPE (Study of Cultural Adaptations in the Canadian Prairie
Ecozone) Project. Report presented to Dr B. A. Nicholson, Principal Investigator, Brandon
University. E-SCAPE Manuscript 11. iv + 312 pages.
- Gummer, D. L., A. B. Beaudoin, and D. J. Bender (2005)
- Diet of Ord's kangaroo rats and implications for reclamation of disturbed sites in the Middle
Sand Hills. Final report for EnCana, Canada, December 2005, 18 pages.
- Gummer, D. L., A. B. Beaudoin, and D. J. Bender (2005)
- Landscape Change in the Middle Sand Hills: Implications for Endangered Kangaroo Rats and
Other Species that Depend on Sandy Habitats. Progress Report to EnCana Canada, February
2005, 6 pages.
- Holland, D. K., A. Bowyer-Beaudoin and K. B. Cawker (1980)
- Investigation of Palaeoenvironmental Change in Sunwapta Pass, Jasper National Park, Alberta.
AMQUA, Sixth Biennial Meeting, Orono, Maine, Abstracts and Program, 101.
- Ives, J. W., A. B. Beaudoin and M. P. R. Magne (1989)
- Evaluating the Role of a Western Corridor in the Peopling of the Americas. Circum-Pacific
Prehistory Conference, Seattle, Washington, August 1-6, 1989. Session IIA "Routes into the New
World" Reprint Proceedings, 27 pages.
- King, R. H., A. Bowyer-Beaudoin and F. J. Chorley (1981)
- Holocene Environmental Change in Jasper National Park: Fourth Interim Report. Progress
report to Parks Canada. 26 pages. Copy on file at Park Library, Jasper, Alberta.
- King, R. H., K. B. Cawker, M. S. Kearney, A. Bowyer-Beaudoin and D. K. Holland (1980)
- Holocene Environmental Change in Jasper National Park: Third Interim Report. Progress
report to Parks Canada. 37 pages. Copy on file at Park Library, Jasper, Alberta.
- Luckman, B. H., M. S. Kearney, A. Bowyer-Beaudoin and D. K. Holland (1979)
- Holocene Environmental Change in Jasper National Park: Second Interim Report. Progress
report to Parks Canada. 29 pages. Copy on file at Park Library, Jasper, Alberta.