The Dung File consists of a list of references dealing with pollen, parasites, and plant remains in coprolites and latrine fills from archaeological and palaeoenvironmental sites. The focus is on studies in North America.

The Dung File is subdivided into eleven sections: four depend on the origin of the deposits being investigated (Part 1: Mostly Human, Part 2: Mainly Mammal, Part 3: Animal Middens, Part 4: Other Critters), there are two broader categories, Part 5: General and Review Articles, Part 6: Field and Laboratory Methods, one focussed on theses, Part 7: Theses, and two focussed on modern comparative studies, Part 8: Comparative Studies - Human and Part 9: Comparative Studies - Mammal. Finally, there are a number of articles from news magazines and the popular press (Part 10: Popular Press and Commentary) and some less readily available items listed in Part 11: Conference Abstracts and Grey Literature.

This page consists of a complete list of articles in The Dung File with no annotations.

  1. Aasen, D. K. 1984 Pollen, Macrofossil, and Charcoal Analyses of Basketmaker Coprolites from Turkey Pen Ruin, Cedar Mesa, Utah. Unpublished M.A. thesis. Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, USA 73 pp.
  2. Ackerman, J. 1997 Parasites: Looking for a Free Lunch. National Geographic Magazine 192(4, October):74-91.
  3. Agenbroad, L. D., and J. I. Mead 1989 Quaternary Geochronology and Distribution of Mammuthus on the Colorado Plateau. Geology 17:861-864.
  4. Aikens, C. M. 1970 Hogup Cave. Reprinted in 1999. University of Utah Anthropological Papers Number 93. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA xiii + 286 pp.
  5. Akeret, Ö., J. N. Haas, U. Leuzinger, and S. Jacomet 1999 Plant Macrofossils and Pollen in Goat/Sheep Faeces from the Neolithic Lakeshore Settlement Arbon Bleiche 3, Switzerland. The Holocene 9(2):175-182.
  6. Akeret, Ö., and S. Jacomet 1997 Analysis of Plant Macrofossils in Goat/Sheep Faeces from the Neolithic Lake Shore Settlement of Horgen Scheller - An Indication of Prehistoric Transhumance? Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 6:235-239.
  7. Akeret, Ö., and P. Rentzel 2001 Micromorphology and Plant Macrofossil Analysis of Cattle Dung from the Neolithic Lake Shore Settlement of Arbon Bleiche 3. Geoarchaeology 16(6):687-700.
  8. Allison, M. J., A. Pezzia, I. Hasigawa, and E. Gerszten 1974 A Case of Hookworm Infection in a Pre-Columbian American. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 41:103-106.
  9. Ambro, R. D., and R. D. Cowan 1966 Coprolite Analysis for Lovelock Cave, Nevada, with Comparisons from the Archaeological and Ethnographic Data for the Area. In Abstracts of Papers, 31st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Meeting held with Great Basin Anthropological Conference. Reno, Nevada, USA.
  10. Amorosi, T., P. C. Buckland, K. J. Edwards, I. Mainland, T. H. McGovern, J. P. Sadler, and P. Skidmore 1988 They Did Not Live by Grass Alone: The Politics and Palaeoecology of Animal Fodder in the North Atlantic Region. Environmental Archaeology 1:41-54.
  11. Anderson, S., and F. Ertug-Yaras 1998 Fuel, Fodder and Faeces: An Ethnographic and Botanical Study of Dung Fuel Use in Central Anatolia. Environmental Archaeology 1:99-109.
  12. Araújo, A. J. G., U. E. C. Confalonieri, and L. F. Ferreira 1982 Oxyurid (Nematoda) Eggs from Coprolites from Brazil. The Journal of Parasitology 68:511-512.
  13. Araújo, A., and L. F. Ferreira 2000 Paleoparasitology and the Antiquity of Human Host-Parasite Relationships. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 95 (Suppl. 1):89-93.
  14. Araújo, A., L. F. Ferreira, U. Confalonieri, M. Chame and B. Ribeiro 1989 Strongyloides ferreirai Rodrigues, Vincent & Gomes, 1985 (Nematoda, Rhabdiasoidea) in rodent coprolites (8,000-2,000 years BP), from archaeological sites from Piauí, Brazil. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 84(4):493-496.
  15. Araújo, A., A. M. Jansen, F. Bouchet, K. Reinhard, and L. F. Ferreira 2003 Parasitism, the Diversity of Life, and Paleoparasitology. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 98 (Suppl. 1):5-11.
  16. Ash, L. R., and T. C. Orihel 1987 Parasites: A Guide to Laboratory Procedures and Identification. American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Chicago, Illinois, USA xxii + 328 pp.
  17. Ashworth, A. C. 1973. Fossil beetles from a fossil wood rat midden in western Texas. The Coleopterists Bulletin 27(3):139-140.
  18. Aspöck, H., H. Auer, and O. Picher 1996 Trichuris trichiura Eggs in the Neolithic Glacier Mummy from the Alps. Parasitology Today 12:255-256.
  19. Bain, A. 1998 A Seventeenth-Century Beetle Fauna from Colonial Boston. Historical Archaeology 32(3):38-48.
  20. Bain, A. 1999 Archaeoentomological and Archaeoparasitological Reconstructions at Îlot Hunt (CeEt-110): New Perspectives in Historical Archaeology (1850-1900). Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Department of History, Université Laval, Québec City, Québec, Canada 309 pp.
  21. Bain, A. 2001 Archaeoentomological and Archaeoparasitological Reconstructions at Îlot Hunt (CeEt-110): New Perspectives in Historical Archaeology (1850-1900). BAR International Series 973. Archaeopress, Oxford, England, UK vi + 153 pp.
  22. Bain, A., and L. LeSage 1998 A Late Seventeenth Century Occurrence of Phyllotreta striolata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in North America. The Canadian Entomologist 130:715-719.
  23. Bain, A. L., A. V. Morgan, J. A. Burns, and A. Morgan 1997 The Palaeoentomology of Rat's Nest Cave, Grotto Mountain, Alberta, Canada. In Studies in Quaternary Entomology - An Inordinate Fondness for Insects, edited by A. C. Ashworth, P. C. Buckland and J. P. Sadler, pp. 23-33. Quaternary Proceedings No. 5. Quaternary Research Association. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, England, UK.
  24. Baker, G., L. H. B. Jones, and I. D. Wardrop 1961 Opal Phytoliths and Mineral Particles in the Rumen of Sheep. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 12(3):462-472.
  25. Bartos, F. M. 1972 Pollen in Fecal Pellets as an Environmental Indicator. Unpublished Master's Thesis. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA 96 pp.
  26. Beech, M. 1993 Waste Disposal in Historic Prague: Archaeology, Toilets and Faeces. EKOjournal 6(2):20-21.
  27. Begler, E. B., and R. W. Keatinge 1979 Theoretical Goals and Methodological Realities: Problems in the Reconstruction of Prehistoric Subsistence Economies. World Archaeology 11(2):208-226.
  28. Belshaw, R. 1989, for 1988 A Note on the Recovery of Thoracochaeta zosterae (Haliday) (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae) from Archaeological Deposits. Circaea 6(1):39-41.
  29. Belshaw, R. D. 1987 An Investigation into the Potential Value of Fly Puparia from Archaeological Deposits as Environmental Indicators: With Particular Reference to the Detection of Cess. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis. Institute of Archaeology, University of London, London, England, UK.
  30. Berg, G. 1997 Stomach and Intestinal Contents in Skeletonized Burials from Central Arizona: A Multidisciplinary Approach. In 68th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. St Louis, Kansas, USA.
  31. Berg, G. E. 1999 Determining the Abdominal Contents of Skeletonized Burials Using a Multidisciplinary Approach. Unpublished M.A. thesis. Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University, Tucson, Arizona, USA 57 pp. + figures.
  32. Berg, G. E. 2002 Last Meals: Recovering Abdominal Contents from Skeletonized Remains. Journal of Archaeological Science 29:1349-1365.
  33. Berkowitz, J. 2006 Jurassic Poop: What Dinosaurs (and Others) Left Behind. Illustrated by Steve Mack. Kids Can Press, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 40 pp.
  34. Betancourt, J. L., and T. R. Van Devender 1980 Late Quaternary Vegetational History of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico: The Packrat Midden Record. In American Quaternary Association (AMQUA) Abstracts of the Sixth Biennial Meeting. pp. 23-24. The Structure of an Ice Age. August 18-20, 1980, University of Maine, Orono, Maine.
  35. Betancourt, J. L., and T. R. Van Devender 1981 Holocene Vegetation in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Science 214:656-658.
  36. Betancourt, J. L., T. R. Van Devender, and P. S. Martin (editors) 1990 Packrat Middens: The Last 40,000 Years of Biotic Change. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona, USA vii + 467 pp.
  37. Bethell, P. H., L. J. Goad, and R. P. Evershed 1994 The Study of Biomarkers of Human Activity: The Use of Coprostanol in the Soil as an Indicator of Human Fecal Material. Journal of Archaeological Science 21:619-632.
  38. Bjune, A. E. 2000 Pollen Analysis of Faeces as a Method of Demonstrating Seasonal Variations in the Diet of Svalbard Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus). Polar Research 19(2):183-192.
  39. Bliss, W. L. 1950 Birdshead Cave, a Stratified Site in Wind River Basin, Wyoming. American Antiquity 15(3):187-196.
  40. Boag, F. E. 1997 Integrated Mediterranean Farming and Pastoral Systems: Local Knowledge and Ecological Infrastructure of Italian Dryland Farming. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 374 pp.
  41. Bohrer, V. L. 1969 Paleoecology of an Archaeological Site Near Snowflake, Arizona. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. 109 pages.
  42. Bouchet, F. 1995 Recovery of Helminth Eggs from Archeological Excavations of the Grand Louvre (Paris, France). The Journal of Parasitology 81:785-787.
  43. Bouchet, F., A. Araújo, S. Harter, S. M. Chaves, A. N. Duarte, J. L. Monnier, and L. F. Ferreira 2003 Toxocara canis (Werner, 1782) Eggs in the Pleistocene Site of Menez-Dregan, France (300,000-500,000) Years Before the Present. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 98 (Suppl. 1):137-139.
  44. Bouchet, F., N. Guidon, K. Dittmar, S. Harter, L. F. Ferreira, S. M. Chaves, K. Reinhard, and A. Araújo 2003 Parasite Remains in Archaeological Sites. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 98 (Suppl. 1):47-52.
  45. Bouchet, F., S. Harter, and M. Le Bailly 2003 The State of the Art of Paleoparasitological Research in the Old World. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 98 (Suppl. 1):95-101.
  46. Bouchet, F., C. Lefèvre, D. West, and D. Corbett 1999 First Paleoparasitological Analysis of a Midden in the Aleutian Islands (Alaska): Results and Limits. The Journal of Parasitology 85(2):369-372.
  47. Boyer, P. 1999 The Parasites. In Roman and Medieval Occupation in Causeway Lane, Leicester, edited by A. Connor and R. Buckley, pages. 344-346. Leicester Archaeology Monograph 5. ULAS (University of Leicester Archaeological Services), Leicester, England, UK.
  48. Braillard, L., M. Guélat, and P. Rentzel 2004 Effects of Bears on Rockshelter Sediments at Tanay Sur-les-Creux, Southwestern Switzerland. Geoarchaeology 19(4):343-367.
  49. Bresciani, J., W. Dansgaard, B. Fredskild, M. Ghisler, P. Grandjean, J. C. Hansen, J. P. H. Hansen, N. Haarløv, B. Lorentzen, P. Nansen, A. M. Rørdam, and H. Tauber 1991 7 Living Conditions. In The Greenland Mummies. English edition of the volume originally published Danish and Greenlandic in 1985 by The Greenland Museum, edited by J. P. Hansen, J. Meldgaard and J. Nordqvist, pp. 150-167. British Museum Publications, London, England, UK.
  50. Brochier, J. E., P. Villa, and M. Giacomarra 1992 Shepherds and Sediments: Geo-ethnoarchaeology of Pastoral Sites. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 11:47-102.
  51. Brothwell, D. 1996 European Bog Bodies: Current State of Research and Preservation. In Human Mummies: A Global Survey of their Status and the Techniques of Conservation, edited by K. Spindler, H. Wilfing, E. Rastbichler-Zissernig, D. zur Nedden and H. Nothdurfter, pp. 161-172. The Man in the Ice Volume 3. Springer, Wien, New York, USA
  52. Brough, D. W. 1980 The Interpretation of Organic Material from a Pictish Hillfort at Dundurn in Perthshire. Unpublished B.Sc. thesis. Botany Department, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
  53. Bryant Jr, V. M. 1969 Late Full-Glacial and Post-Glacial Pollen Analysis of Texas Sediments. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Department of Botany, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA 168 pages.
  54. Bryant Jr, V. M. 1974 Pollen Analysis of Prehistoric Human Feces from Mammoth Cave. In Archaeology of the Mammoth Cave Area, edited by P. J. Watson, pp. 203-249. Academic Press Inc., New York, USA.
  55. Bryant Jr, V. M. 1974 Prehistoric Diet in Southwest Texas: The Coprolite Evidence. American Antiquity 39:407-420.
  56. Bryant Jr, V. M. 1974 The E. O. Callen Collection. American Antiquity 39(3):497-498.
  57. Bryant Jr, V. M. 1974 The Role of Coprolite Analysis in Archaeology. Bulletin of Texas Archaeological Society 45:1-28.
  58. Bryant Jr, V. M. 1975 The Callen Coprolitic Reference Collection. Economic Botany 29:236-237.
  59. Bryant Jr, V. M. 1975 Pollen as an Indicator of Prehistoric Diets in Coahuila, Mexico.Bulletin of the Texas Archaeological Society 46:87-106.
  60. Bryant Jr, V. M. 1982 Archaeological and Palynological Analysis of Specimens and Materials Recovered from Two Historic Period Privies and a Well in the St Alice Revetment, St James Parish, Louisiana. Cultural Resources Laboratory Report PD-RC-92-03. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA.
  61. Bryant Jr, V. M. 1986 Prehistoric Diet: A Case for Coprolite Analysis. In Ancient Texans: Rock Art and Lifeways along the Lower Pecos, edited by H. J. Shafer, pp. 132-135. Published for the White Museum of the San Antonio Museum Association, San Antonio, Texas. Texas Monthly Press, Austin, Texas, USA.
  62. Bryant Jr, V. M. 1987 Pollen Grains: The Tiniest Clues in Archaeology. Environment Southwest Number 519(Autumn):10-13.
  63. Bryant Jr, V. M. 1989 Pollen: Nature's Fingerprints of Plants. In 1990 Yearbook of Science and the Future, pp. 92-111. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  64. Bryant Jr, V. M. 1989 Botanical Remains in Archaeological Sites. In Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Physical-Chemical-Biological Processes Affecting Archaeological Sites, edited by C. C. Mathewson, pp. 85-115. Environmental Impact Research Program, Contract Report EL-89-1. Final Report. Environmental Laboratory, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, USA.
  65. Bryant Jr, V. M. 1993-94 What Was on the Primitive Plate? Slim, Trim, and Paleo-Indian: Why our diets are killing us. The UWP Newsletter No. 5(Winter 1993-94):3-5.
  66. Bryant Jr, V. M. 1994 The Paleolithic Health Club. In 1995 Yearbook of Science and the Future, pp. 114-133. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  67. Bryant Jr, V. M. 1994 Callen's Legacy. In Paleonutrition: The Diet and Health of Prehistoric Americans, edited by K. D. Sobolik, pp. 151-160. Occasional Paper No. 22. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, Illinois, USA.
  68. Bryant Jr, V. M. 1995 Eating Rite is an Ancient Rite. The World & I (January 1995):216-221.
  69. Bryant Jr, V. M. 2002 Don't Eat Like a Neanderthal, But Learn a Lesson from their Diets. CAP Newsletter 25(2):8-15.
  70. Bryant, V. M., and G. W. Dean 2006 Archaeological Coprolite Science: The Legacy of Eric O. Callen. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 237:51-66.
  71. Bryant Jr, V. M., and J. P. Dering 1995 A Guide to Palaeoethnobotany. Manitoba Archaeological Journal 5(2):23-45.
  72. Bryant Jr, V. M., and G. Williams-Dean 1975 The Coprolites of Man. Science 232:100-109.
  73. Buckland, P. C., and P. E. Wagner 2001 Is There an Insect Signal for the "Little Ice Age"? Climate Change 48:137-149.
  74. Buckland, W. 1822 Account of an Assemblage of Fossil Teeth and Bones of Elephant, Rhinoceros, Hippopotamus, Bear, Tiger, and Hyaena, and Sixteen Other Animals; Discovered in a Cave at Kirkdale, Yorkshire, in the Year 1821: With a Comparative View of Five Similar Caverns in Various Parts of England, and Others on the Continent. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 112:171-236.
  75. Buckland, W. 1829 On the Discovery of Coprolites, or Fossil Faeces, in the Lias at Lyme Regis, and in Other Formations. Transactions of the Geological Society of London, Series II 3:223-236.
  76. Burney, D. A., H. F. James, F. V. Grady, J. Rafamantanantsoa, Ramilisonina, H. T. Wright, and J. B. Cowart 1997 Environmental Change, Extinction and Human Activity: Evidence from Caves in NW Madagascar. Journal of Biogeography 24(6):755-767.
  77. Burney, D. A., G. S. Robinson, and L. P. Burney 2003 Sporormiella and the Late Holocene Extinctions in Madagascar. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100(19, September 16 2003):10800-10805.
  78. Butler, V. L. 1990 Distinguishing Natural from Cultural Salmonid Deposits in Pacific Northwest North America. Unpublished PhD dissertation. Department of Anthropology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA xv + 218 pages.
  79. Butler, V. L. 1996 Tui Chub Taphonomy and the Importance of Marsh Resources in the Western Great Basin of North America. American Antiquity 61(4):699-717.
  80. Butler, V. L., and R. A. Schroeder 1998 Do Digestive Processes Leave Diagnostic Traces on Fish Bones?. Journal of Archaeological Science 25:957-971.
  81. Buurman, J., B. van Geel, and G. B. A. van Reenen 1995 Palaeoecological Investigations of a Late Bronze Age Watering-place at Bovenkarspel, the Netherlands. In Neogene and Quaternary Geology of North-west Europe, edited by G. F. W. Herngreen and L. van der Valk. Meded. Rijks Geol. Dienst. 52.
  82. Byrne, D. R. 1973 Prehistoric Coprolites: A Study of Dog and Human Coprolites from Prehistoric Archaeological Sites in the North Island of New Zealand. Unpublished M.A. thesis. University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
  83. Cahill, J., K. Reinhard, D. Tarler, and P. Warnock 1991 Scientists Examine Remains of Ancient Bathroom. Biblical Archaeology Review 27:64-69.
  84. Calder, A. M. 1977 Survival Properties of Organic Residues Through the Human Digestive Tract. Journal of Archaeological Science 4:141-151.
  85. Callen, E. O. 1965 Food Habits of Some Pre-Columbian Mexican Indians. Economic Botany 19(4):335-343.
  86. Callen, E. O. 1967 The First New World Cereal. American Antiquity 32:535-538.
  87. Callen, E. O., and T. W. M. Cameron 1960 A Prehistoric Diet Revealed in Coprolites. The New Scientist 18(1, 7 July):35-40.
  88. Callen, E. O., and P. S. Martin 1969 Plant Remains in Some Coprolites from Utah. American Antiquity 34(3):329-331.
  89. Camacho, C. N., J. S. Carrión, J. Navarro, M. Munuera, and A. R. Prieto 2000 An Experimental Approach to the Palynology of Cave Deposits. Journal of Quaternary Science 15(6):603-619.
  90. Canti, M. G. 1997 An Investigation of Microscopic Calcareous Spherulites from Herbivore Dungs. Journal of Archaeological Science 10:219-231.
  91. Canti, M. G. 1999 The Production and Preservation of Faecal Spherulites: Animals, Environment and Taphonomy. Journal of Archaeological Science 26:251-258.
  92. Carey, A. B., J. Kershner, B. Biswell, and L. D. De Toledo 1999 Ecological Scale and Forest Development: Squirrels, Dietary Fungi, and Vascular Plants in Managed and Unmanaged Forests. Wildlife Monograph No. 142. A Supplement to The Journal of Wildlife Management, Vol. 62, No. 1, January 1999. The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, Maryland, USA 71 pages.
  93. Carrión, J. S. 2002 A Taphonomic Study of Modern Pollen Assemblages from Dung and Surface Sediments in Arid Environments of Spain. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 120:217-232.
  94. Carrión, J. S., J. Brink, L. Scott, and J. Binneman 2000 Palynology and Palaeoenvironment of Pleistocene Hyaena Coprolites from an Open-air Site at Oyster Bay, Eastern Cape Coast, South Africa. South African Journal of Science 96:449-453.
  95. Carrión, J. S., and C. Navarro 2002 Cryptogam Spores and Other Non-pollen Microfossils as Sources of Palaeoecological Information: Case-Studies from Spain. Annales Botanici Fennici 39:1-14.
  96. Carrión, J. S., J. A. Riquelme, C. Navarro, and M. Munuera 2001 Pollen in Hyaena Coprolites Reflects Late Glacial Landscape in Southern Spain. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 176:193- 205.
  97. Carrión, J. S., L. Scott, A. Arribas, N. Fuentes, G. Gil-Romero, and E. Montoya 2007 Pleistocene Landscapes in Central Iberia Inferred from Pollen Analysis of Hyena Coprolites. Journal of Quaternary Science 22(2):191-202.
  98. Carrión, J. S., L. Scott, T. Huffman, and C. Dreyer 2000 Pollen Analysis of Iron Age Cow Dung in Southern Africa. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 9:239-249.
  99. Carrión, J. S., L. Scott, and E. Marais 2006 Environmental Implications of Pollen Spectra in Bat Droppings from Southeastern Spain and Potential for Palaeoenvironmental Reconstructions. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 140:175-186.
  100. Carrión, J. S., L. Scott, and J. C. Vogel 1999 Twentieth Century Changes in Montane Vegetation in the Eastern Free State, South Africa, Derived from Palynology of Hyrax Dung Middens. Journal of Quaternary Science 13:1-16.
  101. Carrión, J. S., and B. van Geel 1999 Fine-resolution Upper Weichselian and Holocene Palynological Record from Navarrés (Valencia, Spain) and a Discussion About Factors of Mediterranean Forest Succession. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 106:209-236.
  102. Carrott, J., and H. Kenward 2001 Species Associations Among Insect Remains from Urban Archaeological Deposits and Their Significance in Reconstructing the Past Human Environment. Journal of Archaeological Science 28:887-905.
  103. Chadwick, D. H. 2008 Right Whales on the Brink on the Rebound. National Geographic Magazine 214(4, October 2008):100-121.
  104. Chamberlain, A. T. and M. P. Pearson 2001 Earthly Remains: The History and Science of Preserved Human Bodies. Oxford University Press, Oxford, England, UK. 207 pages.
  105. Chame, M. 2003 Terrestrial Mammal Feces: A Morphometric Summary and Description. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 98 (Suppl. 1):71-94.
  106. Charles, M. 1998 Fodder from Dung: The Recognition and Interpretation of Dung- Derived Plant Material from Archaeological Sites. Environmental Archaeology 1:111-122. Fodder: Archaeological, Historical and Ethnographic Studies, edited by M. Charles, P. Halstead, and G. Jones, vol. 1.
  107. Charles, M., P. Halstead, and G. Jones (editors) 1998 Fodder: Archaeological, Historical and Ethnographic Studies. Environmental Archaeology 1. Oxbow Books, Oxford, England, UK 126 pages.
  108. Chaves, S. A. M., and K. J. Reinhard 2003 Paleopharmacology and Pollen: Theory, Method, and Application. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 98 (Supplement 1):207-211.
  109. Chaves, S. A. M., and K. J. Reinhard 2006 Critical Analysis of Coprolite Evidence of Medicinal Plant Use, Piauí, Brazil. Palaeogography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 237:110-118.
  110. Clary, K. H. 1984 Prehistoric Coprolite Remains from Chaco Canyon, New Mexico: Inferences for Anasazi Diet and Subsistence. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis. Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
  111. Cockburn, T. A. 1971 Diseases in Ancient Populations. Current Anthropology 12(1):45-62.
  112. Cole, K. 1980 Late Pleistocene and Holocene Vegetational Gradients in the Grand Canyon, Arizona. In American Quaternary Association (AMQUA) Abstracts of the Sixth Biennial Meeting. p. 57. The Structure of an Ice Age. August 18-20, 1980, University of Maine, Orono, Maine.
  113. Cole, K., J. McCorriston, and A. Miller 2001 Holocene Paleoenvironments of the Southern Arabian Highlands Reconstructed Using Fossil Hyrax Middens. In 86th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Scientific Program. p. 86.
  114. Cole, K. L. 1981 Late Quaternary Environments in the Eastern Grand Canyon: Vegetation Gradients Over the Last 25,000 Years. Unpublished PhD dissertation. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA 170 pages.
  115. Cole, K. L. 1982 Pleistocene Packrat Middens from the Western Sierra Nevada, California. In American Quaternary Association (AMQUA) Program and Abstracts of the Seventh Biennial Conference. p. 83. Character and Timing of Rapid Environmental and Climatic Changes. June 28-30, 1982, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.
  116. Cole, K. L., and T. R. Van Devender 1984 Seasonality and the Summer Monsoon: Packrat Midden Sequences from the Lower Colorado Valley. In American Quaternary Association (AMQUA) Program and Abstracts of the Eighth Biennial Meeting. p. 24. Seasonal Climatic Responses in the Quaternary. August 13-15, 1984, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado.
  117. Cooremans, B. 1999 An Unexpected Discovery in Medieval Bruges (Flanders, Belgium): Seeds of the Caper (Capparis spinosa L.). Environmental Archaeology 4:97-101.
  118. Cowan, R. A. 1967 Lake-Margin Ecological Exploitation in the Great Basin as Demonstrated by an Analysis of Coprolites from Lovelock Cave, Nevada. University of California Archaeology Survey Reports 70:21-36. Papers in Great Basin Archaeology, vol. 70.
  119. Crandell, B. D., and P. W. Stahl 1995 Human Digestive Effects on a Micromammalian Skeleton. Journal of Archaeological Science 22:789-797.
  120. Crawford, P. L. 1994 Man-Land Relationships in the Wadi Tumilat of Egypt at Tell El-Maskhuta: A Paleoethnobotanical Perspective. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Department of Archaeology, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA xi + 339 pages.
  121. Cremaschi, M., S. Di Lernia, and L. Trombino 1996 From Taming to Pastoralism in a Drying Environment: Site Formation Processes in the Shelters of the Tadrat Acacus Massif (Libya, Central Sahara). In Volume 3: Colloquium V - Numerical Analysis and Image Processing in Archaeobotany, Colloquium VI - Micromorphology of Deposits of Anthropogenic Origin, edited by L. Castelletti and M. Cremaschi, pp. 87-106. Published for International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences. A.B.A.C.O., Forli, Italy.
  122. Cressman, L. S. 1966 Man in Association with Extinct Fauna in the Great Basin. American Antiquity 31:866-867.
  123. Cummings, L. S. 1989 Coprolites from Medieval Christian Nubia: An Interpretation of Diet and Nutritional Stress. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA xiii + 204 pages.
  124. Cummings, L. S. 1994 Anasazi Diet: Variety in the Hoy House and Lion House Coprolite Record and Nutritional Analysis. In Paleonutrition: The Diet and Health of Prehistoric Americans, edited by K. D. Sobolik, pp. 134-150. Occasional Paper No. 22. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, Illinois, USA.
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