Bryan, A. 1967
- The First People.
In Alberta: A Natural History, edited by W. G. Hardy, pp.
277-293. M. G. Hurtig, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
AEU SCI QH 106 H27
Bryan, L. 1991
The Buffalo People: Prehistoric Archaeology on the Canadian
Plains. The University of Alberta Press, Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada xv + 215 pages.
AEU HSS E 78 P7 B93 1991 The title describes the
content well. The book would be easier to follow with more maps
showing the discussed sites' relationship to each other and their
setting. (30/Jan/1997).
Fagan, B. 1995
- Time Detectives: How Archaeologists Use Technology to
Recapture the Past. Simon and Schuster, New York, USA 288 pages.
AEU HSS CC 175 F34 See Chapter 2 "Where
he got his head smashed in", pp. 58-74. A series of essays, each
focused on a different site (Head-Smashed-In is included, also
Copán, Hadrian's Wall, Annapolis). The essays are arranged
in roughly chronologic order to provide a survey of archaeology
dealing with sites from the far past into the only just past.
MacDonald, D. H., 2012
- Montana Before History: 11,000 Years of
Hunter-Gatherers in the Rockies and Plains. Montana Press Publishing
Company, Missoula, Montana, USA. 194 pages.
AEPMA 978.6 M1351 A survey of Montana's
prehistoric archaeology from Paleoindian to Late Prehistoric times.
Introductory chapter deals with hunter-gatherers and the history of
archaeological work in Montana. Highlights some important sites in
Montana, such as Mill Iron, MacHaffie, Agate Basin and Mummy Cave.
Many Montana sites are very important in the development of Plains
archaeology, Also discusses sites in the mountains and foothills,
especially rock-art sites on exposed rock surfaces. Includes discussion
of sites in neighbouring jurisdictions, especially Wyoming, but also
North and South Dakota, Alberta and Saskatchewan, all east of the
continental divide. This is an excellent background introductory
survey. (18/Oct/2012)
Pringle, H. 1996
In Search of Ancient North America: An Archaeological Journey
to Forgotten Cultures. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York,
xi + 227 pages.
AEU HSS E 77.9 P58 See Chapter 8 Killing
Fields: Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, Alberta, pp. 149-167. This
a survey of some important North American archaeological sites
archaeologists) including Bluefish Caves, northern Yukon, and
Smashed-In, near Fort Macleod, southwest Alberta. Pringle
emphasizes astro-archaeological explanations for structures.
Written for a lay audience, and explains the process of doing
archaeology. An easy read. (20/Jul/1996).
Safarik, A. (editor) 1995
Wanuskewin Guide Book. Wanuskewin Heritage Park Inc.,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada 88 pages.
A visitor's guide to the Wanuskewin Heritage
Park, giving some background on the history and development of
Park, a summary of what the visitor will see, and describing the
amenities and trails at the site. The Park is located just
the city of Saskatoon was opened to the public in 1992. Also
includes a short discussion of each of the nineteen
sites within the Park by Dr E. G. Walker, who led much of the
excavation work there in the 1980s. The archaeological record
extends back to about 6000 years ago. Sites include camp sites,
kill sites (where bison were killed and processed), a Medicine
Wheel, and various other multicomponent sites. Most of the sites
are located along or close to Opimihaw Creek, which occupies a
deeply-incised valley draining to the South Saskatchewan River,
its north side. The booklet also includes a useful fold-out chart
showing the northern plains cultural sequence for orientation in
time. The book is hard to read though. The text is in a very
lightweight font and is quite small and, except for the fold-out
pages, it is printed on mid-brown (tan) coloured paper.
Vickers, J. R. 1986
Alberta Plains Prehistory: A Review. Archaeological
Occasional Papers No. 27. Archaeological Survey of Alberta,
Culture, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 139 pages. Bound with No.
AEU HSS E 78 A34 V637 1986
Wormington, H. M., and R. G. Forbis 1965
An Introduction to the Archaeology of Alberta, Canada.
Proceedings, Number 11. Denver Museum of Natural History, Denver,
Colorado, USA xviii + 248 pages.
AEU HSS FC 3666 W93 1965 This is a
classic foundation book, the first to attempt a systematic look
the archaeology of Alberta. Even now, it is essential reading for
anyone working in Alberta archaeology.