Alwynne B. Beaudoin - Lake File

Muriel Lake

Location: Alberta, Canada Latitude (N): 54.15° Longitude (W): 110.68°
Site notes:
Bradford, M. E., and J. M. Hanson 1990
Muriel Lake. In Atlas of Alberta Lakes, edited by P. Mitchell and E. Prepas, pp. 287-292. University of Alberta Press, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
AEU SCI GB 1630 A3 A8813 1990 folio Site discussed: Muriel Lake. Information on current limnological conditions. Includes a bathymetric map. (22/05/2012).

van der Kamp, G., D. Keir, and M. S. Evans 2008
Long-term water level changes in closed-basin lakes of the Canadian prairies. Canadian Water Resources Journal 33(1):23-38.
Sites discussed: Little Fish Lake, Lower Mann Lake, Upper Mann Lake, Muriel Lake, Manito Lake, Redberry Lake, Little Manitou Lake, Lenore Lake, Waldea Lake, Big Quill Lake, Little Quill Lake, Fishing Lake, Kenosee Lake, Whitebear Lake, Oro Lake, White Water Lake, Devils Lake (ND). Looks at instrumental records of lake level changes and data from examination of air photos. Only a few lakes have records that extend to the early twentieth century; most data is for the last half of the twentieth century. Most lakes show a generally falling trend. Interestingly, Devils Lake stands out as being markedly different with a generally rising trend since the 1940s. (21/05/2012).

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