Alwynne B. Beaudoin - Lake File

Frozen Lake

Location: British Columbia, Canada Latitude (N): 49.59° Longitude (W): 121.46°
Site notes:
Hallett, D. J., D. S. Lepofsky, R. Mathewes, and K. P. Lertzman 2003
11 000 Years of Fire History and Climate in the Mountain Hemlock Rain Forests of Southwestern British Columbia Based on Sedimentary Charcoal. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33:292-312.
AEU SCI SD 145 C23 Sites discussed: Frozen Lake and Mount Barr Cirque Lake are main focus of the research. East Hunter Creek site is also mentioned.

Hallett, D. J., R. W. Mathewes, and F. F. Foit Jr 2001
Mid-Holocene Glacier Peak and Mount St. Helens We Tephra Layers Detected in Lake Sediments from Southern British Columbia Using High-Resolution Techniques. Quaternary Research 55:284-292.
AEU SCI QE 696 Q24 DOI: 10.1006/qres.2001.2229 Sites discussed: Dog Lake, Frozen Lake, Mount Barr Cirque Lake.

Lepofsky, D., K. Lertzman, D. Hallett, and R. Mathewes 2005
Climate Change and Culture Change on the Southern Coast of British Columbia 2400-1200 Cal, B.P.: An Hypothesis. American Antiquity 70(2):267-293.
AEU HSS CC 1 A6 Sites discussed: Mount Barr Cirque Lake, Frozen Lake.

Lepofsky, D. S., D. J. Hallett, S. McHalsie, K. Lertzman, and R. W. Mathewes 2005
Documenting Precontact Plant Management on the Northwest Coast: An Example of Prescribed Burning in the Central and Upper Fraser Valley, British Columbia. In Keeping it Living: Traditional Plant Tending and Cultivation on the Northwest Coast, edited by D. Deur and N. J. Turner, pp. 218-239 (?). University of Washington Press, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Sites discussed: Frozen Lake, Mount Barr Cirque Lake, East Hunter Creek.

Rosenberg, S. M., I. R. Walker, and R. W. Mathewes 2004
Midge-inferred Holocene Climate History of Two Subalpine Lakes in Southern British Columbia, Canada. The Holocene 14(2):258-271.
AEU SCI QE 699 H62 DOI: 10.1191/0959683604hl703rp Sites discussed: Eagle Lake (BC), Frozen Lake.

Umbanhowar Jr, C. E. 1996
Recent fire history of the northern Great Plains. American Midland Naturalist 135:115-121.
Sites discussed: Brush Lake, Rice Lake (ND), Coldwater Lake (ND), Lake Cochrane. Examined charcoal records from four lakes. (18/05/2012).

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