Alwynne B. Beaudoin - Lake File

Devils Lake

Location: North Dakota, USA Latitude (N): 48.10° Longitude (W): 98.90°
Site notes:
Covich, A. P., S. C. Fritz, P. J. Lamb, R. D. Marzolf, W. J. Matthews, K. A. Poiani, E. E. Prepas, M. B. Richman, and T. C. Winter 1997
Potential Effects of Climate Change on Aquatic Ecosystems of the Great Plains of North America. Hydrological Processes 11:993-1021.
Sites discussed: Devils Lake, Elk Lake (Clearwater County). A useful review article that touches on proxy palaeoenvironmental data and considers impacts of future climate change scenarios. Contains a useful and extensive reference list.

Engstrom, D. R., and S. R. Nelson 1991
Paleosalinity from Trace Metals in Fossil Ostracodes Compared with Observational Records at Devils Lake, North Dakota, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 83:295- 312.
AEU SCI QE 500 P15 Site discussed: Devils Lake.

Fritz, S. C. 1990
Twentieth-century Salinity and Water-level Fluctuations in Devils Lake, North Dakota: Test of a Diatom-based Transfer Function. Limnology and Oceanography 35(8):1771-1781.
AEU SCI GC 1 L73 Site discussed: Devils Lake.

Fritz, S. C., D. R. Engstrom, and B. J. Haskell 1994
'Little Ice Age' Aridity in the North American Great Plains: A High-resolution Reconstruction of Salinity Fluctuations from Devils Lake, North Dakota, USA. The Holocene 4(1):69-73.
AEU SCI QE 699 H62 Site discussed: Devils Lake.

Fritz, S. C., D. R. Engstrom, and B. J. Haskell 1996
Nineteenth-Century Climate in the Devils Lake Region as Reconstructed from Palaeolimnological Proxies: A Reply to Wiche, Lent and Rannie. The Holocene 6(4):490-493.
AEU SCI QE 699 H62 Site discussed: Devils Lake.

Fritz, S. C., S. Juggins, R. W. Battarbee, and D. R. Engstrom 1991
Reconstruction of Past Changes in Salinity and Climate Using a Diatom-based Transfer Function. Nature 352(22 August 1991):706-708.
AEU SCI Q 1 N28 Site discussed: Devils Lake.

Grimm, E. C. 2001
Trends and palaeoecological problems in the vegetation and climate history of the northern Great Plains, USA. Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy of Sciences 101B(1-2):47-64.
Sites discussed: Kettle Lake, Rice Lake, Spiritwood, Moon Lake, Pickerel Lake, Medicine Lake, Rosebud, Devils Lake.

Haskell, B., and D. Engstrom 1994
Holocene Paleohydrology in the North American Great Plains Inferred from the Goechemistry of Endogenic Carbonate and Fossil Ostracodes from Devils Lake, North Dakota, USA. In American Quaternary Association (AMQUA) Program and Abstracts of the Thirteenth Biennial Meeting. p. 93. June 19- 22, 1994, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
Site discussed: Devils Lake. Core is 24 m long and record extends to about 12,500 yr BP. Endogenic (precipitated) carbonate is a palaeo-salinity proxy. Record can be subdivided into four phases based on carbonate and ostracode data but all phases exhibit large amount of variability. (16/12/2007).

Haskell, B. J., D. R. Engstrom, and S. C. Fritz 1996
Late Quaternary Paleohydrology in the North American Great Plains Inferred from the Geochemistry of Endogenic Carbonate and Fossil Ostracodes from Devils Lake, North Dakota, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 124:179- 193.
AEU SCI QE 500 P15 Site discussed: Devils Lake.

Jacobson, H. A., and D. R. Engstrom 1989
Resolving the Chronology of Recent Lake Sediments: An Example from Devils Lake, North Dakota. Journal of Paleolimnology 2:81-97.
AEU SCI QE 39.5 P3 J86 Site discussed: Devils Lake.

Lent, R. M., H. E. Gaudette, and W. B. Lyons 1997
Strontium Isotopic Geochemistry of the Devils Lake Drainage System, North Dakota: A Preliminary Study and Potential Paleoclimatic Implications. Journal of Paleolimnology 17:147-154.
AEU SCI QE 39.5 P3 J86 Site discussed: Devils Lake.

Lent, R. M., W. B. Lyons, W. J. Showers, and K. H. Johannesson 1994
Late Holocene Paleoclimatic and Paleobiologic Records from Sediments of Devils Lake, North Dakota. Journal of Paleolimnology 13:193-207.
AEU SCI QE 39.5 P3 J86 Site discussed: Devils Lake.

van der Kamp, G., D. Keir, and M. S. Evans 2008
Long-term water level changes in closed-basin lakes of the Canadian prairies. Canadian Water Resources Journal 33(1):23-38.
Sites discussed: Little Fish Lake, Lower Mann Lake, Upper Mann Lake, Muriel Lake, Manito Lake, Redberry Lake, Little Manitou Lake, Lenore Lake, Waldea Lake, Big Quill Lake, Little Quill Lake, Fishing Lake, Kenosee Lake, Whitebear Lake, Oro Lake, White Water Lake, Devils Lake (ND). Looks at instrumental records of lake level changes and data from examination of air photos. Only a few lakes have records that extend to the early twentieth century; most data is for the last half of the twentieth century. Most lakes show a generally falling trend. Interestingly, Devils Lake stands out as being markedly different with a generally rising trend since the 1940s. (21/05/2012).

Wiche, G. J., R. M. Lent, and W. F. Rannie 1996
'Little Ice Age' Aridity in the North American Great Plains - A High Resolution Reconstruction of Salinity Fluctuations from Devils Lake, North Dakota, USA: A Comment on Fritz, Engstrom and Haskell. The Holocene 6(4):489-490.
AEU SCI QE 699 H62 Site discussed: Devils Lake.

Wiche, G. J., R. M. Lent, W. F. Rannie, and A. V. Vecchia 1997
A History of Lake-Level Fluctuations For Devils Lake, North Dakota, Since the Early 1800's. Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Science 51:34- 39.
Site discussed: Devils Lake.

Winter, T. C., and D. O. Rosenberry 1998
Hydrology of Prairie Pothole Wetlands During Drought and Deluge: A 17-Year Study of the Cottonwood Lake Wetland Complex in North Dakota in the Perspective of Longer Term Measured and Proxy Hydrological Records. Climate Change 40:189-209.
AEU SCI QC 981.8 C5 C56 Sites discussed: Devils Lake, Cottonwood Lake.

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