Alwynne B. Beaudoin - E-SCAPE - The SCAPE file -
Southwestern Manitoba - Archaeology and Geoarchaeology

Southwestern Manitoba - Archaeology and Geoarchaeology

Book cover Boyd, M. 2000
Changing Physical and Ecological Landscapes in Southwestern Manitoba in Relation to Folsom (11,000-10,000 BP) and McKean (4,000-3,000 BP) Site Distributions. Changing Prairie Landscapes, edited by Todd A. Radenbaugh. Prairie Forum 25(1):23-42. Canadian Plains Research Centre, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Boyd, M. 2000
Changing Physical and Ecological Landscapes in Southwestern Manitoba in Relation to Folsom (11,000 - 10,000 BP) and McKean (4,000 - 3,000 BP) Site Distributions. Prairie Forum 25(1):23-43.

Boyd, M. 2007
Paleoindian Geoarchaeology of the Assiniboine Delta of Glacial Lake Agassiz. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 31(3):198-221.
AEU PMC FC 56 C1152

Buchner, A. P. 1980
Cultural Responses to Altithermal (Atlantic) Climate Along the Eastern Margins of the North American Grasslands 5500 to 3000 B.C.. National Museum of Man Mercury Series 97. National Museum of Man, Archaeological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 243 pages.
AEU Circumpolar E 77.9 B8 1980

Buchner, A. P. 1984
Investigations at the Sinnock Site, 1980 and 1982. Papers in Manitoba Archaeology, Final Report 17. Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Book cover Buchner, A. P., and L. Pettipas 1990
The Early Occupations of the Glacial Lake Agassiz Basin in Manitoba: 11,500 to 7,700 BP. In Archaeological Geology of North America, edited by N. P. Lasca and J. Donahue, pp. 51-59. DNAG Centennial Special Volume 4. Geological Society of America, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
AEU SCI CC 77.5 A74

Graham, J. 2005
Blackduck Settlement in South-Western Manitoba: Land Use and Site Selection. Unpublished thesis, Master of Natural Resources Management. Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. ix + 249 pages.

Gryba, E. M. 1976
The Prehistoric Occupation of the Lower Trout-Hubble Creek Drainage Area in the Swan River Valley of Manitoba. Napao 7(1&2):11, 23.

Hamilton, S., and B. A. Nicholson 1999
Ecological Islands and Vickers Focus Adaptive Transitions in the Pre-Contact Plains of Southwestern Manitoba. Plains Anthropologist 44(167):5-25.
AEU PMC E 51 P69

Havholm, K. G., and G. L. Running IV 2005
Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Environmental Significance of Late Mid-Holocene Dunes, Lauder Sand Hills, Glacial Lake Hind Basin, Southwestern Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 42:847-863.
AEU SCI QE 1 C212 DOI: 10.1139/E05-019

Kroker, S. 1999
Flood Sediments and Archaeological Strata. Report prepared for the Geological Survey of Canada 19 pages.
Deals with the Red River area around Winnipeg. Report available as a PDF file from ards/rrbtf.html .

Low, B. 1994
The Papagnies Site: A Sacred Locale on the Northern Plains in Southwestern Manitoba. Manitoba Archaeological Journal 4(1 & 2):167- 187.
AEU HSS E 78 M25 M2672 Site DiLw-6.

Nicholson, B. A. 1985
The Kain Cache Site (DlLw 12): A Functional Explanation of a Boulder Structure on the Northern Plains/Parkland Interface. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 9(2):173-181.
AEU HSS FC 65 C1152

Nicholson, B. A. 1988
Modelling Subsistence Strategies in the Forest/Grassland Transition Zone of Western Manitoba During the Late Prehistoric and Early Prehistoric Periods. Plains Anthropologist 33(121):351-365.
AEU HSS E 51 P69

Nicholson, B. A. 1990
Ceramic Affiliations and the Case of Incipient Horticulture in Southwestern Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 14:33-59.
AEU HSS FC 65 C1152

Nicholson, B. A. 1991
Modeling a Horticultural Complex in South-Central Manitoba During the Late Prehistoric Period - The Vickers Focus. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 16(2):163-188.

Nicholson, B. A. 1994
Interactive Dynamics or Intrusive Horticultural Groups Coalescing in South-Central Manitoba During the Late Prehistoric Period - The Vickers Focus. North American Archaeologist 15(2):103-127.
AEU HSS E 77.8 N86

Nicholson, B. A. 1993
Variables Affecting Site Selection by Late Prehistoric Groups Following a Hunting/Horticultural Lifeway in South-Central Manitoba. In Culture and Environment: A Fragile Coexistence, edited by R. W. Jamieson, S. Abonyi and N. A. Mirau, pp. 211-219. Chacmool 1993: Proceedings of the 24th Annual Chacmool Conference. The Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary, Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
AEU BARD GF 3 U55 1991

Nicholson, B. A. 1994
Orientation of Burials and Patterning in the Selection of Sites for Late Prehistoric Burial Mounds in South-Central Manitoba. Plains Anthropologist 39(148):161-171.
AEU HSS E 51 P69

Nicholson, B. A. 1994
Cultural Stratigraphy at the Kain Site (DlLw-11). Manitoba Archaeological Journal 4(1 & 2):188- 200.
AEU HSS E 78 M25 M2672

Nicholson, B. A. 1994
Brandon University Radiocarbon Dates. Manitoba Archaeological Journal 4(1 & 2):200- 203.
AEU HSS E 78 M25 M2672

Nicholson, B. A. 1995
Na-ha-stew-in (Where They Put Things Away). Manitoba Archaeological Journal 5(1):67-80.
AEU HSS E 78 M25 M2672

Nicholson, B. A. 1996
Plains Woodland Influx and the Blackduck Exodus in Southwestern Manitoba During the Late Precontact Period. Manitoba Archaeological Journal 6(1):69-86.
AEU HSS E 78 M25 M2672

Nicholson, B. A., and S. Hamilton 1997
Material Correlates Accompanying Transition by Vickers Focus People from a Horticulture/Forager Economy to an Intensive Forager/Bison Economy. Manitoba Archaeological Journal 7(2):24-50.
AEU HSS E 78 M25 M2672

Nicholson, B. A., and S. Hamilton 1999
Vickers Focus and Mortlach Ceramics at Makotchi-Ded Dontipi - A Linear Relationship? Manitoba Archaeological Journal 9(1):11-27.
AEU HSS E 78 M25 M2672

Nicholson, B. A., and M. Malainey 1991
Report on the 1991 Field School Excavations at the Lovstrom Site (DjLx-1), Southwestern Manitoba. Manitoba Archaeological Journal 1(2):51-93.
AEU HSS E 78 M25 M2672

Nicholson, B. A., and M. Malainey 1994
Pits, Pots and Pieces of China: Results of the Archaeological Testing of Two Shallow Depressions Near Melita, Manitoba. Manitoba Archaeological Journal 4(1 & 2):128- 167.
AEU HSS E 78 M25 M2672 Site DgMg- 162.

Nicholson, B. A., and M. Malainey 1995
Sub-Ploughzone Testing at the Lowton Site (DiLv-3): The Vickers Focus Type Site in Southwest Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 19:87-100.
AEU HSS FC 65 C1152

Nicholson, B. A., S. Nicholson, G. L. Running IV, and S. Hamilton 2002
Vickers Focus Environmental Choices and Site Location in the Parklands of Southwestern Manitoba. Géographie physique et Quaternaire 56(2-3):315- 324.
AEU SCI G 1 R452 Note: Volume dated 2002 but published in 2004.

Peach, A. K., and G. Burton-Coe 1994
Report on the 1989 Field Investigations at the Owti Site (DjMd- 4) in Southwestern Manitoba. Manitoba Archaeological Journal 4(1 & 2):102- 110.
AEU HSS E 78 M25 M2672

Pettipas, L. 1969
Early Man in the Swan River Valley, Manitoba. Manitoba Archaeological Society Newsletter 6(3):3- 32.

Pettipas, L. 1970
Early Man in Manitoba. In Ten Thousand Years: Archaeology in Manitoba, edited by W. Hlady, pp. 5-28. Manitoba Archaeological Society, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
AEU HSS E 78 M25 H67

Book cover Pettipas, L., and A. P. Buchner 1983
Paleoindian Prehistory of the Glacial Lake Agassiz Region in Manitoba, 11500 to 6500 BP. In Glacial Lake Agassiz, edited by J. T. Teller and L. Clayton, pp. 421-451. Geological Association of Canada Special Paper No. 26.
AEU SCI QE 697 G54

Pettipas, L. F. 1971
Possible Early Man Artifacts from Manitoba. Saskatchewan Archaeology Newsletter 32:6-17.

Pettipas, L. F. 2004
"The Goshen Question" in Manitoba. Manitoba Archaeological Journal 14(2):1-15.

Scribe, B., and B. A. Nicholson 1994
Excavations at the Middle Woodland Pinew Watchi and Wapiti Sakihtaw Sites on the Big Tiger Geoform: A First Nations Training Project. Manitoba Archaeological Journal 4(1 & 2):113- 128.
AEU HSS E 78 M25 M2672 Pinew Watchi (DiLw-2), Wapiti Sakihtaw (DiLw-12).

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