Alwynne B. Beaudoin - E-SCAPE - The SCAPE file - Cypress
region - General

Cypress Hills region - General References

Book cover Hildebrandt, W., and B. Hubner 1994
The Cypress Hills: The Land and its People. Purich Publishing, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. 133 pages.
AEU HSS FC 3545 C96 H642 Most of this book deals with the Cypress Hills Massacre (June 1 1873) and its aftermath, including the arrival of the North West Mounted Police (NWMP). The other main story told here is that of Sitting Bull and Walsh in 1877, following the Lakota Siouxs' flight into Canada after the events at the Little Big Horn. (10/Nov/2001).

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Alwynne B. Beaudoin (
Latest update: 21 May 2012