Alwynne B. Beaudoin - E-SCAPE - The SCAPE file - Cypress
region - History

Cypress Hills region - History

Glenn, J. E. 1968
Irrigation Development in the Cypress Hills Area, 1888 - c. 1968. Unpublished M.A. dissertation. Department of Geography, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. xv + 258 pages.

Book cover Goldring, P. 1979b
Whisky, Horses and Death: The Cypress Hills Massacre and its Sequel, pp. 41-70. Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History 21. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
AEU PMC GOV DOC CA1 R61-2/1-21

Oetelaar, D. J. 2000
Climate Risk or Social Progress: The Historiography of Ranching in Southern Alberta. Unpublished M.A. thesis. Department of History, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. vii + 155 pages.

Scace, R. C. 1972
The Management and Use of a Canadian Plains Oasis: The Cypress Hills Public Reserves. Unpublished PhD dissertation. Department of Geography, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. xv + 327 pages.
Describes the landuse history and management in the Cypress Hills.

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Latest update: 21 May 2012