Canadian Prairies - Quaternary Stratigraphy and
Glacial History
- Andrews, J. T. 1987
- The Late Wisconsin Glaciation and Deglaciation of the
Laurentide Ice Sheet.
In North America and Adjacent Oceans During the Last
Deglaciation, edited by W. F. Ruddiman and H. E. Wright Jr,
13-37. The Geology of North America Volume K-3. Geological
of America, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
- Barendregt, R. W., and E. Irving 1998
- Changes in the Extent of North American Ice Sheets During the
Late Cenozoic.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 35:504-509.
- Brown, P. A., and J. P. Kennett 1998
- Megaflood Erosion and Meltwater Plumbing Changes During Last
North American Deglaciation Recorded in Gulf of Mexico Sediments.
Geology 26(7):599-602.
AEU SCI QE 1 G3455 Looks at sedimentology
included reworked nannofossils in cores from Orca Basin near
of Mississippi. Argue that the identification of terrigenous
sediment inputs to such cores allows the possibility of linking
terrestrial and marine records. Identify a pulse of fine-grained
sediment in these cores around 12.6 - 12.0 K. Argue that this
derives from clay-rich mid-continental deposits eroded by
from Laurentide ice-sheet in megaflood episodes (i.e., sediment
derived from glacial materials around ice margin). Paper is
followed by a comment from P. F. Karrow (p. 479) who is
particularly concerned with poorly-constrained chronology and
of correlation between events in Gulf of Mexico and Great Lakes
Basin. Brown, Kennett, and Teller respond (pp. 479-480) defending
their hypothesis and arguing that the chronologies are
- Christiansen, E. A. 1979
- The Wisconsinan Deglaciation of Southern Saskatchewan and
Adjacent Areas.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 16:913-938.
AEU SCI QE 1 C212 Covers the area of
Alberta (Cypress Hills) as well as central Saskatchewan
- Dyke, A. S. 2004
- An Outline of North American Deglaciation with Emphasis on
Central and Northern Canada.
In Quaternary Glaciation - Extent and Chronology, Part
edited by J. Ehlers and P. L. Gibbard, pp. 373-424. Developments
Quaternary Science, Volume 26. Elsevier, The Netherlands.
Includes a series of glacial retreat maps,
based on a large database of C14 dates. Supercedes Dyke and Prest
(1987). (10/07/2006).
- Dyke, A. S., A. Moore, and L. Robertson
Deglaciation of North America. Geological Survey of
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Open File 1574, 32 maps, CD-ROM and 2
paper sheets.
- Dyke, A. S., and V. K. Prest 1987
Paleogeography of Northern North America 18 000 - 5 000 Years
Ago. Scale 1:12,500,000, in 3 sheets. Map 1703A. Geological
Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- Dyke, A. S., and V. K. Prest 1987a
Late Wisconsinan and Holocene Retreat of the Laurentide Ice
Sheet. Scale 1:5,000,000. Map 1702A. Geological Survey of
Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- Hughes, T. 1987
- Ice Dynamics and Deglaciation Models When Ice Sheets
In North America and Adjacent Oceans During the Last
Deglaciation, edited by W. F. Ruddiman and H. E. Wright Jr,
183-220. The Geology of North America Volume K-3. Geological
Society of America, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Provides information on estimated ice
thicknesses. (24/08/2010).
- Klassen, R. W. 1989
- Quaternary Geology of the Southern Canadian Interior Plains.
In Quaternary Geology of Canada and Greenland. Volume
published as Geological Society of America, The Geology of North
America, Vol. K-1, edited by R. J. Fulton, pp. 138-173. Geology
Canada No. 1. Geological Survey of Canada.
AEU SCI QE 185 Q17 1989
- McMartin, I. 2000
- Paleogeography of Lake Agassiz and Regional Post-glacial
History of the Flin Flon Region, Central Manitoba and
Journal of Paleolimnology 24:293-315.
AEU SCI QE 39.5 P3 J86
- Patterson, C. J. 1998
- Laurentide Glacial Landscapes: The Role of Ice Streams.
Geology 26(7):643-646.
AEU SCI QE 1 G3455 Argues that the landscape
(examined on a continental scale) exhibits two suites of landform
assemblages - a lowland suite (streamlined forms) and an upland
ice-lobe margin suite (hummocky terrain and ice-thrust terrain).
Argues that the lowland suite represents position of ice streams
that fed ice lobes. Position of these was controlled by bedrock
geology and topography. Argument is developed primarily from
examination of landforms and deposits of the mid-continental Des
Moines lobe.
- Prest, V. K., J. A. Donaldson, and H. D.
Mooers 2000
- The Omar Story: The Role of Omars in Assessing Glacial
of West-central North America.
Géographie physique et Quaternaire 54(3):257-
AEU SCI G 1 R452 Omars are erratics derived
from rocks of the Belcher Island Group in southeastern Hudson
The paper assembles field evidence for their wide dispersal
central Canada and interprets their distribution in terms of
glacial history.
- Schreiner, B. T., L. A. Dredge, E. Nielsen,
R. W. Klassen, M. M. Fenton, and J. R. Vickers 1987
The Quaternary Between Hudson Bay and the Rocky
XIIth INQUA Congress Field Excursion C-13. National Research
Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 45 pages.
The Saskatchewan portion of the trip has
relevance to the SCAPE project area. Stop 49 features the Nipawin
Delta and Lake Agassiz (p. 34) Stops 66 - 68 (p. 38) are in SW
Saskatchewan. Stops 69 to 73 (p. 38-41, written by R. W. Klassen)
focus on the Cypress Hills.
- Teller, J. T. 1995
- History and Drainage of Large Ice-Dammed Lakes Along the
Laurentide Ice Sheet.
Quaternary International 28:83-92.
AEU SCI QE 696 Q229
- Teller, J. T., and D. W. Leverington 2004
- Glacial Lake Agassiz: A 5000-year History of Change and its
Relationship to the δ18O Record of Greenland.
Geological Society of America Bulletin
- Teller, J. T., S. R. Moran, and L. Clayton
- The Wisconsinan Deglaciation of Southern Saskatchewan and
Adjacent Areas: Discussion.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 17:539-541.
AEU SCI QE 1 C212 Takes issue with the
chronology of Christiansen (1979), especially the "unacceptably
early chronology of deglaciation" with the ice margin back in
central Saskatchewan by 14,000 yr BP. Notes inconsistency between
this interpretation and data from further southeast, especially
relating to discharge of meltwater through Lake
- Wolfe, S. A., D. J. Huntley, and J.
- Relict Late Wisconsinan Dune Fields of the Northern Great
Plains, Canada.
Géographie physique et Quaternaire 58(2-3):323-
AEU SCI G 1 R452 Note: Volume published in