A list of publications, documents, and presentations that have been produced
under the auspices of E-SCAPE. It includes written material produced by students
and colleagues associated with this node of SCAPE.
- E-SCAPE Contribution Series
Meyer, David, Alwynne B. Beaudoin and Leslie J. Amundson (2011) Chapter 1: Human Ecology
of the Canadian Prairie Ecozone ca. 9000 BP: The Paleo-Indian Period. In: Human Ecology of
the Canadian Prairie Ecozone 11,000 to 300 BP, edited by B. A. Nicholson, pp. 5-53.
CPRC Press, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. E-SCAPE Contribution 8.
Woywitka, Robin, and Alwynne B. Beaudoin (2009) Legacy Databases and GIS: A Discussion of the
Issues Illustrated by a Case Study of Archaeological Site Data from Southeast Alberta,
Canada. The Canadian Geographer 53(4):462-472. DOI:
E-SCAPE Contribution 7.
Beaudoin, A. B., and J. Petrik (2007) The Benefits of a Photograph
and Image Cataloguing Database for Research and Archival Purposes,
Illustrated by an Example from Canadian Archaeology.
Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals
3(3):211-222. E-SCAPE Contribution 6.
Beaudoin, A. B., and G. A. Oetelaar (2006) The Day the Dry Snow Fell: The Record of a 7627-year-old Disaster.
In Alberta Formed Alberta Transformed, Volume 1, edited by M. Payne, D. Wetherell, and C. Kavanaugh, pp. 36-53.
Co-published by University of Alberta Press and University of Calgary Press. E-SCAPE Contribution 5.
Oetelaar, G. A., and A. B. Beaudoin (2005) Darkened Skies and Sparkling Grasses: The Potential Impact
of the Mazama Ash Fall on the Southern Alberta Prairies. Plains Anthropologist, Vol. 50,
Number 195, pp. 285-305. E-SCAPE Contribution 4.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2002) On the Identification and Characterization
of Drought and Aridity in Postglacial Paleoenvironmental Records
from the Northern Great Plains. Géographie physique
et Quaternaire 56(2-3):229-246. E-SCAPE Contribution 3.
Note: Volume dated 2002, but published in 2004.
Beaudoin, A. B., and G. A. Oetelaar (2003) The Changing Ecophysical
Landscape of Southern Alberta During the Late Pleistocene and
Early Holocene. Plains Anthropologist, Vol. 48, Number 187,
pp. 187-207. E-SCAPE Contribution 2.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2001) A regional compilation of postglacial
paleoenvironmental records from the northern Plains for the
SCAPE Project. Current Research in the Pleistocene 18:91-92.
E-SCAPE Contribution 1.
- E-SCAPE Manuscript Series
Prouse, Tish (2005) Surface Pollen Analysis of the Below Forks Area
and Cypress Hills Transects from 2002 and 2003. Revised report, with Addendum.
E-SCAPE Manuscript 21. 16 pp.
Beaudoin, A. B., and J. D. Gillespie (2004) Sediment Coring at Candle, Wakaw and
Rhona Lakes, Central Saskatchewan, March 2002 and February 2004. E-SCAPE Manuscript 20. 8 pp.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2004) E-SCAPE (Edmonton component of the
SCAPE Project): Report of Activities, September 2002 - April 2004.
E-SCAPE Manuscript 19. 64 pp.
Telka, Alice (2004) Insect Fossils from the Stampede Site (DjOn-26), Alberta.
E-SCAPE Manuscript 18. 28 pp.
Elliott, Lindsay (2004) Analysis of Macroremains from the Stampede Site (DjOn-26): Progress Report 1.
E-SCAPE Manuscript 17. 12 pp.
Beaudoin, A. B., and T. Panas (2004) Annotated Bibliography of Palaeoenvironmental Studies
Within the E-SCAPE Study Area. E-SCAPE Manuscript 16. 44 pp.
(Look at a PDF copy of this report)
Fecteau, R. D. (2004) Identification of Wood Remains from DjOn-26, Alberta,
Canada. E-SCAPE Manuscript 15. 6 pp.
Telka, Alice (2003) Report on Processing of Killarney Lake and Elkwater
Lake Sediment Samples for Pollen Extraction. E-SCAPE Manuscript 14. 7 pp. (PDF file)
Keller, David (2003) A Summary of Work Completed (Sept. 2001 - Nov. 2003).
E-SCAPE Manuscript 13. 9 pp.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2003) Report on Plant Collecting Activities
in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park, Summer 2000 Permit 2000 - CH - 001.
E-SCAPE Manuscript 12. 79 pp.
Beaudoin, A. B. and J. Petrik (2003) Report on the Development
of a Database for Photographic Images Acquired through the
Edmonton Component of the SCAPE (Study of Cultural Adaptations
in the Canadian Prairie Ecozone) Project.
E-SCAPE Manuscript 11. iv + 312 pp.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2002) E-SCAPE (Edmonton component of the
SCAPE Project): Report of Activities, January - August 2002.
E-SCAPE Manuscript 10. 26 pages.
Beaudoin, A. B., and T. Panas (2002) Methodology and Preliminary
Results for the Palaeoenvironmental Database Component,
SCAPE (Study of Cultural Adaptations in the Canadian
Prairie Ecozone) Project. E-SCAPE Manuscript 9. 513 pp.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2002) Sediment Coring at Elkwater Lake,
Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park, February 2002
Permit No. 2002 - CH - 001. E-SCAPE Manuscript 8. 8 pp.
Telka, Alice (2002) Killarney Lake Data Collection and
Sampling. E-SCAPE Manuscript 7. 13 pp. (PDF file)
Telka, Alice (2002) Elkwater Lake Data Collection and
Sampling. E-SCAPE Manuscript 6. 8 pp. (PDF file)
Beaudoin, A. B. (2002) E-SCAPE (Edmonton component of the SCAPE
Project): Report of Activities, January 2001 - January 2002. E-SCAPE
Manuscript 5. 8 pp.
Keller, David (2001) Summary of Work Completed.
E-SCAPE Manuscript 4. 3 pp.
Panas, Timothy (2001) Development of the Palaeoenvironmental Database
for the SCAPE Project. E-SCAPE Manuscript 3. 8 pp.
Bowyer, Vandy (2001) A Report on the Palaeoenvironmental Database for
the SCAPE Project. E-SCAPE Manuscript 2. 12 pp.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2001) E-SCAPE (Edmonton component of the SCAPE
Project): Report of Activities, May - December 2000.
E-SCAPE Manuscript 1. 9 pp.
- E-SCAPE Presentation Series
Beaudoin, A. B. (2007) Using macrofossil analysis to explore late Quaternary landscapes of Alberta.
Alberta Palaeontological Society Eleventh Annual Symposium "Discovering Fossils", Abstracts Volume,
p. 4. March 17-18 2007, Calgary, Alberta [Poster].
Beaudoin, A. B. (2005) Exploring the Present and Modelling the Past: Some Lessons and
Examples from the SCAPE Project. Presentation in "Climate Models and Proxy Reconstructions:
What Can They Do For You?" session at "Tools of the Trade: Methods, Techniques, and Innovative
Approaches in Archaeology", 38th Chacmool Conference, Calgary, Alberta, November 11 - 13 2005.
Program and Abstracts, pp. 14-15.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2005) Travellers' Tales: Nineteenth century observations and
the perception of drought as abnormal on the Canadian Prairies. Invited presentation
in "Drought in Western Canada: Proxies, Paleoclimate Observations and Human Interactions",
at CANQUA 2005, Biennial Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 5-8 2005, Program and Abstracts, p. A2
Beaudoin, A. B. (2005) E-SCAPE (Edmonton component of the Study of Cultural
Adaptations in the Canadian Prairie Ecozone) Research at The Provincial Museum
of Alberta. Archaeological Society of Alberta and Saskatchewan Archaeological
Society Joint Centennial Conference, Cypress Hills, Saskatchewan, May 5-8 2005.
Gillespie, J., A. Beaudoin, and D. Meyer (2004) SCAPE Investigations into
Holocene Environments and Human History at the Boreal/Prairie Transition,
Central Saskatchewan, Canada, American Quaternary Association (AMQUA)
Program and Abstracts of the 18th Biennial Meeting, Lawrence, Kansas,
June 26-28 2004, p. 138. [Poster]
Robertson, E., and J. Gillespie (2004) There Are Needles in Haystacks: Applications
of Auger Testing in Archaeology. In Session 14 Challenges
and Changes - People and Environment: The SCAPE Project, organized by
B.A. Nicholson. 37th Annual Conference Canadian Archaeological Association,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 12-16 2004. CAA Conference Program, p. 49-50.
Beaudoin, A. B., D. Meyer, J. D. Gillespie, and D. Russell (2004)
Dissecting a Signal for the Little Ice Age from Environmental and
Historical Data from Central Saskatchewan. In Session 14 Challenges
and Changes - People and Environment: The SCAPE Project, organized by
B.A. Nicholson. 37th Annual Conference Canadian Archaeological Association,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 12-16 2004. CAA Conference Program, p. 20.
Beaudoin, A. B., and J. Petrik (2003) Meandering Down the
Banks of the Database EPIC (E-SCAPE Photographic and Image Catalogue).
In Watering SCAPE: The Importance of Water in Plains Archaeology and Landscapes.
36th Annual Chacmool Conference, "Flowing Through Time: Exploring Archaeology
Through Humans and their Aquatic Environment", University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta, November 12-16 2003.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2003) Documenting vegetation boundaries
on the Canadian prairies using surface pollen samples. In
Micropaleontological Applications in Geoarchaeological Studies session.
AASP-CAP-NAMS Joint Meeting, St Catharines, Ontario, October 5-8 2003.
Program with Abstracts.
Beaudoin, A. B., and T. Panas (2003) A Multivariate Statistical
Approach to Defining Vegetation Assemblages in the SCAPE Study Area.
Paper for Special Session: Challenges and Changes in the Prairie
Ecozone: SCAPE 2002, organized by B. A. Nicholson. 36th Annual
Conference Canadian Archaeological Association, McMaster
University, Hamilton, May 7-10. CAA Conference Program, p. 52.
Beaudoin, A. B., and D. Keller (2002) Pollen Rides Pillion:
Distinguishing Disaster and Change in the Postglacial
Palaeoecological Record Through the Use of Modern Analogues.
Presentation in "eSCAPE the Prairies: Catastrophes as
Factors in the History and Development of the Prairie
Landscape" at 35th Annual Chacmool Conference "Apocalypse
Then and Now: A Conference About Archaeology and Worlds'
Ends", University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, November
13 - 17 2002. Abstract reprinted in
Alberta Archaeological Review, Number 38, Spring
2003, p. 11.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2002) On the Identification and
Characterization of Drought in Postglacial Palaeoecological
Records. Presentation in Special Session 2: "Great Plains
Geomorphology and Environmental Change" at Geological
Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada
Joint Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 26 - 29,
2002. GAC-MAC Abstracts Volume 27: 7
Woywitka, R. (2002) Archaeological Site Data and GIS: An
Example from Southeastern Alberta. Presentation in
Special Session 23: "Geoarchaeology and Paleoenvironment
in the Canadian Plains: Lessons from Landscapes of Diversity"
at Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical
Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan, May 26 - 29, 2002. GAC-MAC Abstracts
Volume 27: 126
Beaudoin, A. B. (2001) How Do We Know What We're Talking
About?: Space and Time in Regional Palaeoenvironmental
Reconstructions. Presentation in "SCAPE - Spatial
Relationships within the Canadian Prairies Ecozone"
session at 34th Annual Chacmool Conference "An Odyssey
of Space", University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta,
November 13 - 18 2001.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2001) Mapping the Past: A Database of Pollen
Records for the Northern Plains. 34th Annual Meeting of the
Canadian Archaeological Association (CAA), Information Package,
Programme and Abstracts, p. 40. Banff, Alberta, May 9 - 13 2001.
Presentation in Session 10: Landscape and People on the Canadian
Prairies: The SCAPE Project.
Woywitka, R. (2001) Geographic Co-ordinate Conversion of Archaeological
Site Data in Alberta - An Example from the Cypress Hills Region.
34th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association
(CAA), Information Package, Programme and Abstracts, p. 90. Banff,
Alberta, May 9 - 13 2001. Presentation in Session 10: Landscape
and People on the Canadian Prairies: The SCAPE Project.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2000) Compiling a Database of Pollen Records for
the Northern Plains: Where We Are and Where We're Going. Joint
Midwest Archaeological/Plains Anthropological Conference,
Program and Abstracts, p. 35. St. Paul, Minnesota, November 9-12 2000.
Presentation in Session #21: Challenges and Changing Opportunities:
The SCAPE Project.
- E-SCAPE Lectures
Beaudoin, A. B. "On Dry Land: Detecting Drought in Alberta's Past",
for Time Travellers XI public lecture series, Provincial Museum of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta, April 22 2004. Lecture was also given in Provost, Alberta,
July 16 2004; at the Alberta Geological Survey, Edmonton, March 18 2005.
Beaudoin, A. B. "Palaeoenvironmental studies in Alberta and Saskatchewan for the
SCAPE project", Biological Sciences Department Seminar Series,
University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, March 10 2004
Beaudoin, A. B. "Palaeoenvironmental studies at the Provincial Museum of Alberta",
Royal Saskatchewan Museum staff, March 9 2004, and Heritage Resources
branch staff, Regina, Saskatchewan, March 11 2004
Beaudoin, A. B. "The Great E-SCAPE: Recent palaeoenvironmental
research in the Canadian Prairies", Archaeological Society
of Alberta, Calgary Chapter, University of Calgary, Calgary,
Alberta, February 19 2003
Beaudoin, A. B. "Looking at Landscape: Fieldwork in the
Canadian Prairies", Brown Bag Seminar Series, Provincial
Museum of Alberta, Edmonton, January 8 2003
Beaudoin, A. B. "SCAPE (Study of Cultural Adaptations
in the Canadian Prairie Ecozone): Examining postglacial
landscape and human history", Geological Survey of Canada,
Ottawa, Ontario, February 5 2002
Beaudoin, A. B. "SCAPE (Study of Cultural Adaptations in the
Canadian Prairie Ecozone): Examining postglacial landscapes
and archaeology", Department of Anthropology, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, November 30 2001
Beaudoin, A. B. "The Great E-SCAPE: Anatomy of a Prairie
Project", Brown Bag Seminar Series, Provincial Museum of
Alberta, Edmonton, November 29 2000
- E-SCAPE Theses
Benders, Quinn (2010) Agate Basin Archaeology in Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada.
M.A. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Alberta. 169 pages.
Woywitka, Robin (2002) Archaeological Site Location Data:
Implications for GIS. M.A. dissertation, Department of Anthropology,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. 200 pages.
- Other published and written material
Beaudoin, A. B. (compiler and editor) (2005) SCAPE Report of Activities 2004.
Alberta Archaeological Review, Number 42, Spring 2005, pp. 10-14.
Reviews all components of the project, and reports on the on-going archaeological
work in Alberta (G. Oetelaar), Saskatchewan (D. Meyer), and
Manitoba (S. Hamilton and B. A. Nicholson). Also appeared in CAA Newsletter
Vol. 25(1):4-11 (October 2005).
Beaudoin, A. B. (2004) Of Heat, Humidity and Mosquitoes - Heading into the Field in
Summer. Mammoth Tracks Newsletter, Fall 2004, p. 3.
Download a copy (PDF file).
Beaudoin, A. B. (compiler and editor) (2004) SCAPE Report of Activities 2003.
Alberta Archaeological Review, Number 40, Spring 2004, pp. 23-32.
Reviews all components of the project, and reports on the on-going archaeological
work in Alberta (G. Oetelaar), Saskatchewan (D. Meyer), and
Manitoba (S. Hamilton and B. A. Nicholson). Manitoba section
reprinted in Manitoba Archaeological Newsletter, Series 2, Vol. 16(2):12-21 (2004).
Reprinted in CAA Newsletter 24(1&2):39-48, dated 2004 but published 2005.
Beaudoin, A. B. (2004) Of Mud, Ice, and Parkas - Heading into the Field
in Winter. Mammoth Tracks Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 2, p. 4, Spring 2004.
Download a copy (PDF file).
Beaudoin, A. B. (2004) Winter Fieldwork: A view from the bottom of a cold Saskatchewan lake.
The Wit'n Word 1(5):3. (Museum staff newsletter)
Beaudoin, A. B. (compiler and editor) (2003) SCAPE Report
of Activities 2002. CAA Bulletin 23(1):38-42. Reviews components
of the project, and reports on the on-going archaeological
work in Alberta (G. Oetelaar) and Saskatchewan (D. Meyer).
Reprinted in Alberta Archaeological Review, Number 38,
Spring 2003, pp. 6-11 and in Saskatchewan Archaeological
Society Newsletter 24(1):25-32 (February 2003).
Beaudoin, A. B. (compiler and editor) (2002) SCAPE Report of Activities.
CAA Newsletter 22(1):22-27. Reviews all components of the
project, and reports on the on-going archaeological work in Alberta (G. Oetelaar),
Saskatchewan (D. Meyer), and Manitoba (S. Hamilton and B. A. Nicholson). Reprinted
in Alberta Archaeological Review, Number 36, Spring 2002,
pp.7-10. Manitoba section reprinted in Manitoba Archaeological
Newsletter, Series 2, Vol. 14(2):10-14 (2002).
Beaudoin, A. B. (compiler and editor) (2001) SCAPE Report of Activities 2000.
CAA Newsletter 21(1):15-18. Reviews all components of the
project, and reports on the on-going archaeological
work in Alberta (G. Oetelaar), Saskatchewan (D. Meyer), and
Manitoba (S. Hamilton and B. A. Nicholson). Reprinted in
Saskatchewan Archaeological Society Newsletter 23(1):9-14 (2002)
and in Alberta Archaeological Review, Number 34,
Spring 2001, pp. 11-16.
Freeman, Andrea (compiler), with contributions from A. B. Beaudoin,
J. S. Blakey, A. Freeman, S. Hamilton, K. G. Havholm, D. A. Meyer,
B. A. Nicholson, G. A. Oetelaar, E. C. Robertson, J. Rogers, G. L. Running IV
and W. Wallace (2006) Radiocarbon Age Estimates from the SCAPE Project
2000-2005 In: Plains Anthropologist Memoir Number 38: Changing Opportunities
and Challenges: Human-Environmental Interaction in the Canadian Prairie
Ecozone, Vol. 51, No. 199, pp. 451-483.
- Conference sessions organized
Organizer and Chair of "The SCAPE Project: Preliminary Research Results Following Data Collection,
2000-2004" session (5 papers) held on October 22 at 63rd Annual Plains Anthropological Conference,
Edmonton Alberta, October 19-23 2005
Organizer and Chair of "Watering SCAPE: The Importance of Water in Plains Archaeology and Landscapes"
session (5 papers, 1 poster) held on November 15 at 36th Annual Chacmool Conference "Flowing Through
Time: Exploring Archaeology Through Humans and their Aquatic Environment", University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta, November 12-16 2003